5 Reasons “Webinars Won’t Work For Me”

5 Reasons “Webinars Won’t Work For Me” 150 150 David Newman

We’re just coming off yesterdays’ High Fee Webinars masterclass.

If you missed it, the limited-time replay is waiting for you here.

Over the years, I’ve heard all kinds of misguided excuses why webinars “won’t work” for some experts.

Here are the myths and truths behind five reasons consultants, experts, speakers, and coaches shy away from webinars – but should embrace them:

1. I don’t have my marketing house in order: What people don’t realize is that a well-designed, high-converting webinar IS a self-contained marketing vehicle. You don’t need a fancy website. You don’t need a slick sales page, you don’t need anything other than a sharply focused webinar that solves a specific problem for a specific set of people, and then a compelling offer to help them.

2. I don’t know what I’d teach that others would want to learn: That is easily figure-out-able. Using some basic internet research and doing a “listening campaign” in the specific online groups, forums, and communities, where your target market hangs out, will give you a ton of intelligence on what the hot button topics, key questions, and big problem areas are. Build your webinar around THOSE, and you win.

3. I don’t have a big list: Of course you don’t – and that’s one of the problems that a well-designed webinar can solve. Webinars are the #1 list-building and lead generation tool. I didn’t have a big list when I started doing webinars, either – in fact; webinars GREW my list by about 250%. Side note: “big” doesn’t mean a whole lot if they’re the wrong people. I’d rather have 100 super-relevant leads in my database from a webinar than 10,000 random emails of strangers.

4. I’m not ready/ good enough / smart enough: Don’t worry – there are plenty of idiots doing webinars and making a killing :o) Seriously, this is called the “impostor” syndrome, and all the wrong people have it. The problem is, the intelligent, caring, helpful experts are filled with doubt — and the shysters, phonies, and goofballs are filled with confidence. We need to switch that around. The fact is, you’ll always deliver the MOST value with what comes easily to you but is difficult for others. Just because YOU know it, don’t assume it’s common knowledge. Most likely, it is not.

5. I don’t know where to begin with the tech: Doing a webinar today is much easier and streamlined than it was even a few years ago. You don’t need to be a propeller-head geek to get all the moving parts working. Using simple online tools to create your landing pages, slides, your webinar platform itself, and your email series, this is within reach for most experts whether they have a virtual assistant or not. Some folks do it themselves. Others delegate the tech to a VA or someone on their team. Bottom line: Do not let the tech stop you from using one of the most powerful marketing tools in your toolkit.

To get the full scoop on how to develop, deliver, and monetize a high-fee webinar, watch this replay right now.

The replay could transform your business and your revenue for the rest of 2020 and beyond with more leads, better prospects, and bigger sales – NOT in spite of the current crisis – but BECAUSE of it. Don’t miss out. Grab the replay right here >>>

Are you already getting paid well for coaching, 1-1 consulting, or mentoring? Great! Then these high-fee webinar strategies are even closer than you think to skyrocket your income. Let’s make that happen for you, shall we? The link to do so is right here.