5 No-Nonsense Action Steps to Help You Achieve Success

5 No-Nonsense Action Steps to Help You Achieve Success 150 150 Debbie Allen

What you may have learned about success when you were growing up was probably wrong if it was taught by someone who had never actually achieved any real success of their own. The fact is, you often have to fail your way into learning to be successful.

Limiting beliefs around success can get in your way for far too long. It’s time to take 100 percent responsibility for your success and make a strong commitment to making things happen in a big way.

You can choose winning over losing. You can choose to succeed even when you fail by learning from the experience. You can choose to learn from your mistakes and move on. You can choose to win by grabbing hold of success from this day forward and never letting go. We should always be true to the best within ourselves!

Success Is Easy Affirmation (say it, believe it, and own it): “Success comes easy to me because I have a new reality around success to believe in from this day forward.”

Now take these five steps to start wrapping your mind around the idea of success:

Study the strengths and habits of other highly successful peo­ple, and learn how to create a success-driven, ambitious mind­set. Successful people are simply those who have successful habits. Whether we like it or not, a big part of what we do in life is governed by habits. They can lead us to think and feel in certain patterns; they can also make us feel ambitious and motivated to succeed. Successful people know nothing can take the place of persistence and determination, so they make a habit of never quitting until they get results. The world’s greatest achievers are those who have the willpower to stay focused on their goals and consistent in their efforts.

Learn how to create a new reality — that success is easy for you to achieve. A dream without action is a world of make-believe. Success can be easy unless you choose to make it hard. Don’t believe the myth that success comes from hard work alone. After all, without motivation, you can’t get anything done. And even if you have all the motivation in the world, you need the ambition to achieve a worthy goal.

Repeat the word “success” frequently with complete faith and conviction; believe it to be true. What you learned about success growing up probably wasn’t true if it was taught by someone who never actually achieved it. Limiting beliefs and words around success can get in our way for far too long. It’s time to take 100 percent responsibility for your success and make a strong commitment to making things happen in a big way!

Pay close attention to the words you speak every day, and choose empowering words from this day forward. Not only do your words affect your success opportunities, but they impact how others perceive and relate to you as well. Instead of framing your words into limiting “can-nots,” turn them into non-limiting words to empower more success.

Get off your ASS and really go for it! You can choose winning over losing. You can choose to succeed even when you fail. You can choose to learn from your mistakes and move on. You can choose to win by grabbing hold of success from this day forward and never letting go. You should always be true to the best within yourself. Don’t ever give up on the shameless pursuit of success. Period!