Tips for a great Sales Kick Off

Tips for a great Sales Kick Off 150 150 Carlos Vargas

Every company we know of organizes some sort of activity to drive growth, celebrate success and, for the most part, you think that…

  • It’s a status symbol. You take over Vegas or Beijing to show the world how successful you were last year and will be this year, but you find too backward-looking and self-congratulatory. It doesn’t set up the future.
  • It’s for face to face relationship building that doesn’t happen in the field, but you find an open bar where people just spend time with known entities, or you find that there is forced networking with people who may not be relevant.
  • It’s a time to rally the troops around a new strategy, but the focused strategy presentation doesn’t connect the what and the how.
  • It’s a once a year platform for bi-directional knowledge transfer, but you find it passive and a one way dialogue that doesn’t take advantage of time face to face.
  • It’s a way to reward your people, build the team culture and show you’re invested, but it is mandatory fun.
  • It’s a time to help your people develop skills, but assuming you can overhaul an entire sales force in a kickoff, doing training the last day seems like the usual.

Here are some tips to maximize results.

Advantage helps leading sales organizations drive results through their annual sales conferences by focusing
both on our deep skill building expertise and creating interactivity throughout the rest of the event. We’d love to help you surface what your true goals are and find ways for you to achieve them.