“Negotiator – This Is How To Communicate Better Quickly” – Negotiation Insight

“Negotiator – This Is How To Communicate Better Quickly” – Negotiation Insight 150 150 Greg Williams, MN, CSP

“To communicate better, use impactful words. People will act quicker and follow you faster.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert


“Negotiator – This Is How To Communicate Better Quickly”


“Come go now, and here later,” does not succinctly convey the message, “go now, and come here later.” Even though they are the same words, the intent delivered in the first message can be confusing, which can lead to misunderstandings. Thus, to improve any situation you’re in, you must communicate effectively. But what does that mean exactly?

Sometimes, people speak at, or past one another, and wonder why the intent of their message is not received. It’s usually due to a lack of clarity that contributes to that challenge. But, going forward, you can prevent that from occurring to you, and here’s how.


Speak the language opponents understand

Most groups have a particular jargon that’s generic to the group. It’s a way members of the group connect, distinguish themselves from other groups, and communicate with one another. And, if you don’t use their lingo, you immediately identify yourself as an outsider. And being recognized as an outsider can instantly put you at a disadvantage sometimes. At other times, it can prove to be the deciding factor for others to assemble for or forgo their support for you. Thus, to enhance situations, when it’s advantageous, sound like those you wish to follow your lead. But also be aware of when to use loftier or modest language to improve your persona. You don’t want to appear too pompous or humble. You have to exact a fine balance between those two perspectives. Therefore, you should base your word choices and how you wish others to perceive them on the actions you want them to adopt, the beliefs of the group, and how difficult it might be to have them alter their perspective.


Keep communications simple

Simple is as simple does. And the simplicity of something is determined by those making the assessment. Do you understand what that means? Depending on the educational level, background, or familiarity with phrases of those with whom you attempt to influence, it may behoove you to keep your communications simple. By doing that, you lower the conception level of the information, and the ease in understanding it, which makes your content easier to grasp.

But, you also have to be mindful of giving the perception that you’re dumbing-down your message. Some will perceive that as a slight or outright insult. As with most things in life, perceived balance is most often the victor. Thus, determine when simplicity or duplicity will serve your purpose best.


Use the opponent’s language to galvanize your supporters

You can also use the words of your opponent to influence and galvanize additional supporters to embrace your opinions and perspective. In such cases, you’d highlight his points in which others disagreed. Your efforts would become geared at positioning him in a less-than-flattering light. If your attempts to do so are successful, you’d also place him on the defensive because he’d have to defend your accusations, lest he runs the risk of being viewed even more unfavorable. While he’s doing that, he’d be less likely to attack you or your position.

To the degree your opponent’s followers see him as not being the person that leads them, you can also use his words to fracture his supporters. To enhance the process, first, note the strength of his base. Ask yourself, to what degree others are committed to following him. While some staunch supporters would go through fire for their leader, that would be the stopping point for others.

When you make that determination, assess what would need to occur to peel-off the less enthused. Then, ferment an occasion that would incite that situation. You can even dig into the archives of your opponent’s past sentiments to manufacture a condition. The point is, you can wreak havoc that leads to chaos for him. And while he’s addressing that, you can promote your perspective with less interference from him.


Use news and social media for credibility

There is a multitude of tools that you can use to shape the perspective of others and alter their thought process. You can use such tools to heighten the perception of your credibility while having your opponent’s credibility lowered. You can use them to better position your suggestions while having dispersions cast about his. They can also be used to create the perspective of fairness or heavy-handedness.

For that purpose, social media is an excellent tool that brings opposing positions together or disperses them. And thus, it does the same for the opinions of people. Social media can also serve as a viable tool to disseminate disinformation. So, be careful about how you use this tool. It runs a two-way thoroughfare that can end up on another unintended path. Thus, you must be very mindful of controlling your message when using it. To do that, prepare to offset a potential backlash you may encounter should others attempt to use your words against you.



When seeking to improve communications, you should attempt to control the narrative. And the best way to do that is to control the message by controlling the words you use. By instituting the information outlined, you’ll enhance your efforts and increase the odds of making situations better. And everything will be right with the world.


Remember, you’re always negotiating!



Listen to Greg’s podcast at https://anchor.fm/themasternegotiator


After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com


To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here https://www.themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/



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