Cristina DiGiacomo, M.S.

By Cristina DiGiacomo, M.S.

Guide: Cultivate Continuity So You Can Carry On!

Guide: Cultivate Continuity So You Can Carry On! 150 150 Cristina DiGiacomo

Your face has been blasted by the firehose called LIFE. Everything feels upended by this new circumstance you’re in. Yet the work remains, and you need to figure out what to do and how to adapt. You may feel overwhelmed and paralyzed with either too many options or feeling like you have none.

How do you keep the continuity of business? Get continuity of mind!

How you maintain continuity of business is directly related to how you maintain the continuity of your mind.

Your mind wants to keep chewing on the problem which makes it hard to find solutions. So plowing through, denying or feeling burdened isn’t going to get you anywhere.

Luckily, we have some time-tested teachings that help us manage our minds.

Never fear, wisdom is here.

Stoicism is a Greek philosophy originating from 3rd Century BC. They believed if you discern between what is in your control and what is not in your control that is the key to contentment. In addition, they believed that you are in control of how you view situations.

Kind of perfect when things are chaotic!

So what I’m going to teach you in this guide is how to be a Stoic in this crazy time so that you can gain a sense of control, continue with the work you need to do, and maintain a sense of constancy and continuity.

Continuity is Confidence

When you have a consistent practice and understanding of what is within your control, you feel a sense of efficacy and control which drives confidence in yourself, your work and your business.

Here’s a short guide to help you use Stoic philosophy so you can dump the overwhelm and get on with it!

Here’s what’s included in my guide:

  • A guiding principle to reset your point of view instantly (and you can put on a post-it)
  • Inspiring passages from Stoic philosophy that you can read and reflect on every day
  • A worksheet that will help you feel better and crush the chaos

Click Here to Get Your “Cultivate Continuity” Guide!