Becoming an effective influencer is a journey

Becoming an effective influencer is a journey 150 150 Carlos Vargas

Influence Inside™ from Ocean Beach Consulting is a highly interactive, discovery-based learning program designed to help participants develop the ability to sell their ideas and influence others without relying on positional authority.

Considering the C-Suite Network topic of the month, we would like to share a highly interactive learning journey, with 5 steps.

  1. Identify your influence goal and key stakeholders.
  2. Assess your influence readiness
  3. Experience a taste of Influence Inside™ – Log in to and learn with complimentary access to 4 introductory modules!
  4. Join the online discovery session for a deeper dive and learn how to fine tune your strategy with influence expert and executive coach Kelly Dozois, creator of Influence Inside.™ (This is a replay of our session originally held November 8, 2018.)
  5. Celebrate your new knowledge by creating a personalized Certificate of Achievement and claiming your digital credential at

Click here to improve the ability to become an effective influencer with the power to get others on board.