Pivot and Flex (for speakers and experts)

Pivot and Flex (for speakers and experts) 150 150 David Newman

Welcome to another day in the crazy, upsidedown land of COVID-19. 

I was just telling my amazing spouse – aka The Hot One® – how the headlines change daily, sometimes hourly if you watch your phone notifications. 

And it’s wild ups and downs like we’ve never seen… 

One day (or hour) it’s “OMG we ain’t seen nuthin’ yet and this is all going to get much worse before it gets better – horrible, horrible, scary, scary”… 

The next day (or hour) the news is “Hey great news – there are signs of this slowing down, we might be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, it looks like we’re finally coming out the other side”… 

Only to be followed up with more terrible news and dark predictions the very next day. 

So are we supposed to change our whole business model? 

Are we supposed to wait it out and hope things come back to normal? 

Nope. And nope. 

I just recorded a new masterclass for you on how you can pivot your business model for more virtual and online delivery of your expertise. 

And how you can flex your marketing messages to be COVID-19 hyper-relevant today to gain prospects’ attention when they are obviously distracted, upset, and have more problems than ever. 

And no, things will NEVER come back to the way they were in January of 2020. 

Don’t get me wrong – live events will come back. 

The economy will bounce back. 

But it won’t be in the same way as before. 

It will be back – but different. 

If you want to position yourself to survive now – and thrive later – as a speaker, trainer, coach, consultant, or expert – watch this training right now and you’ll see how to pivot and flex your business. 

And how to build a permanent virtual and remote delivery capability into your business model that will lead to profits now and income protection for the rest of your professional career.

Want to move your business online NOW? Building online and virtual profit centers is smart both short-term (obviously) and for the long run. Imagine if you never had to depend on live events or face-to-face interactions of any kind – unless you wanted to – and still generate multiple six figures of revenue and be of good service to great clients who need and want your help? That’s what this 25-minute laser-focused training is all about. Check it out now.