“Are You Missing What Is Right In Front Of Your” – Negotiation Insight

“Are You Missing What Is Right In Front Of Your” – Negotiation Insight 150 150 Greg Williams, MN, CSP

“To prevent missing what’s in front of you, look carefully at what you’re viewing.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert (Click to Tweet)

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 “Are You Missing What Is Right In Front Of Your”


I asked several people to finish the question in the title of this article. Are you missing what is right in front of your? Some people completed the question by saying, eyes – are you missing what is right in front of your eyes? Other people saw it as, ‘to be continued’ (i.e., fill in the blank).

In reality, the title was, ‘are you missing what is right in front of you,’- not, what is right in front of your. By way of explanation, I wrote, ‘your,’ instead of ‘you.’ And that’s how the title came about. And that change altered the perception of the article’s content. Thus, a slight change in perspective can alter how you see what you’re missing.

Continue, and you’ll discover how you can become more aware of your environment and why that’s beneficial to you.

If something is fictitious, does that mean it doesn’t contain facts? It’s a question to ponder. Because sometimes, we may observe something that is literally in front of us, and yet we miss it. In some cases, what we miss are opportunities. And some of those opportunities may have exposed your life to different paths than the one you’re on. That means what you may be missing can impact your experiences more than you think.



Have you looked for something, and didn’t see it? Then, upon reinspection, you realized that it was right in front of you. You saw it the first time, but you didn’t perceive it. Intuition may have signaled you to look again because you knew what you sought was always in the place that you were viewing. Intuition and perception were at work when you missed it the first time, and when you saw it the second time.

When I think of intuition, I consider it from two perspectives. One, listen to, and seek, the voice of peace and calm, even when it’s in chaos. And two, attempt to feel, hear and understand what’s occurring around you. With that simple premise, I’m able to ignite the focus of my mind, which produces a clearer picture of my environment. I give you that insight from which you can heighten your clarity. By doing that, you can gain greater awareness of how you can better interpret your surroundings.



There are times when you miss what’s in front of you because you’re looking too fast. In looking too quickly, you misperceive what you see, or you just miss it, period.

Another cause for lack of perception is the belief you possess. At one point in your life, you may not have thought that fire would burn you. Thus, you may have touched the flame to sense the sensation of the burn. By doing so, you validated the heat that stemmed from it. You also acquired a greater appreciation for fire and the degree of pain you’d experience if you got too close to it. That also led you to have more respect for it. And that was the benefit of the experience and seeing what was in front of you. The lesson derived from that is, the more you observe, the more you can improve your life. Be aware of your environment and what’s in it.



One day my Internet connection went down. I performed a simple diagnosis to identify and correct the problem. While observing the process underway to fix it, a message stated, “verifying that the connectivity problem is resolved.” At first, all I saw was, “problem is resolved.” After further scrutiny, I noticed the full message – “verifying that the connectivity problem is resolved.” The information that followed indicated the problem could not be corrected, and a different set of instructions sent me down another path.

After that, I asked myself why I initially just saw “problem resolved.” The answer I came to was, that’s the outcome I sought. Thus that’s all I was looking for and wanted to see.

How many times do you observe yourself going through the same process – wanting something to be true so much that you miss the real message that’s right in front of you? Psychologically speaking, be aware of how you think in different situations, along with what causes you to alter your thought process. Doing that will allow you to not only understand your thought process, it will also open your mind to gathering greater insight about your environment.


Using Data

During the COVID-19 pandemic, in the U.S., potential deaths were initially estimated to be as high as 240 thousand. Then, the leaders of the country revised that to 50 to 75 thousand possible deaths. What occurred that caused the authorities to reassess its estimate? Data is the answer to that question. Additional data, and it’s analyzation, led to the revised estimate. So what does that mean for you?

With more data, you have more information from which to conclude. That means you don’t have to guess at what might be in front of you. You can use empirical data to see and know the unseen and unknown. And that will allow you to swat away the blind spots of unnecessary things, which will enable you to understand and see everything more clearly.



Life moves fast, and sometimes you don’t get a clear view. Some people want to change their life, and others need to change their life. Which one are you? Regardless, if you wish to change your life for the better, pay more attention to what may be in front of you. By being more observant of your environment, you’ll be on a better path in life, and you’ll be better prepared to address more opportunities. And everything will be right with the world.


Remember, you’re always negotiating!


Listen to Greg’s podcast at https://anchor.fm/themasternegotiator


After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com


To receive Greg’s free “Negotiation Tip of the Week” and the “Sunday Negotiation Insight” click here https://www.themasternegotiator.com/greg-williams/



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