“Trust Is The Most Vulnerable Victim Of Fake News” – Negotiation Insight

“Trust Is The Most Vulnerable Victim Of Fake News” – Negotiation Insight 150 150 Greg Williams, MN, CSP

“Fake news’ purpose is to victimize you to altered realities. And trust is the serum that combats it.” -Greg Williams, The Master Negotiator & Body Language Expert (Click to Tweet)       Click to get the book!

“Trust Is The Most Vulnerable Victim Of Fake News”

Are you a victim of fake news? Be careful how you answer that question. It’ll reveal the perspective and perception you have of the information you consume. And that determines how you live your life. News and information are two factors you use to identify with whom you’ll place your trust. Thus, the reason it’s so impactful. And trust is a factor, that will protect you from, or expose you to being vulnerable to others.

The following are points to be consciously aware of, per the impact that fake news has on your life.


Purpose of Fake News

The purpose of fake news is to alter your perspective. Thus, the meaning of fake news in and of itself is not divisive. It adopts a possible sinister effect when it intends to modify your reality and sow discord within you. Worse about the intent to alter your perspective with fake news is the confusion it creates. Thus, in some cases, false stories are planted to produce just enough doubt to cause you to wonder to what degree fake news is real or contrived.


People deliver information with a purpose in mind. And it’s the intent of that message that you should consider when assessing the impact that you’ll allow it to have on you. That raises another point. In some instances, when you’re not consciously aware of the information you’re consuming, you may engage in actions that you’re consciously unaware of – at that point, it would be akin to you, going through the motions. And that’s the point at which you can become vulnerable to the behest of others.

First, as teachers stated, when you were in grade school, pay attention. To that point, heighten your awareness when you suspect someone may be attempting to invade your mental senses with information that doesn’t comport with your feelings. Those feelings might be good or bad.

To increase your perception, ask yourself, what’s the purpose of providing me this information? What actions am I supposed to take after receiving this insight? And, how am I supposed to think differently, now that I have this information, compared to my previous thoughts? The answers may be eye-opening for you.


Statements Versus Facts

I remember two friends getting into a heated discussion about the weather when I was in my early teen years. One stated that he’d heard the temperature was going to be 72 degrees that day. The other friend said he’d heard that it would only get to 68 degrees. They went back and forth as to who was right about something that most would say was trivial. The point is, they’d heard forecasts from two different sources. And as I’m sure you know – a forecast is nothing more than a good guess. It’s not the definitive end-all of what an outcome will be.

Some people state facts as certainties. Others pronounce things as facts because of the source from which they get their information. And yet others use misinformation as facts for the divisiveness it creates. The lesson here is, understand someone’s motives for the information they state as being factual.

When you have information in perspective, you can assess its relevancy of importance to other relevant information. That’s another reason you should be mindful of people that present fake or false information per their source. Because, once again, that information will alter your perspective and the way you judge the importance of other information. Thus, fake news could cause you to place less emphasis on a matter than you otherwise would put on it. When unsure of someone’s facts, to the degree that it’s important to you, do your research. And verify the sources of your research information too. That will assist you in not devolving into a more profound sense of uncertainty.



Even when someone is qualified to lead, or address the endeavors of others, if that person lacks trust, due to fake news perpetrated against them, they stand less of a chance of becoming a leader. If it’s lacking, trust becomes the factor that tilts the scale away from that person, which brings into consideration the degree others will follow them.

Everyone seeks to inspire their followers. If you want others to become inspired by you, deliver consistent messages. That means, don’t state a position one day and adopt a 180-degree stance the next day. People become confused by a lack of consistency. Also, be straight with people. If you must deliver bad news, let people know why it’s terrible. And above all, don’t distribute fake news simply to appease people. Eventually, they’ll see through it and you. As the cliché goes, “you can fool some of the people some of the time. But you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.” At some point, you’re belittling of the truth will catch up with you. And more than likely, you’ll pay a hefty price for the misguided information you spewed.


The Blame Game

Fake news, false information, call it the same. As kids, some would deliver untruthful information to absorbed themselves from blame. And those kids became adults that use the same tactic to scurry out of harm’s way today.

When listening to someone’s story, be attentive to what they may be attempting to avoid. Ask yourself, does the story flow logically? Why would others be saying the opposite of what the first person is stating? And question who has what to gain from the stories they’re citing. The blame game can be devastating. But you don’t have to be a victim of it. Avoid it by detaching yourself emotionally from someone’s story. And then assess it.



To trust your sources of information, you must trust the news you receive. That means being more attuned to what may be fake news. Everyone falls victim to others in their life. If you’re more aware of the information surrounding you, the source of that information, and the intent it’s meant to have on you, you can prevent victimhood from befalling you. Once you do, you’ll have a clearer perspective on reality. And everything will be right with the world.



Remember, you’re always negotiating!


Listen to Greg’s podcast at https://anchor.fm/themasternegotiator


After reading this article, what are you thinking? I’d like to know. Reach me at Greg@TheMasterNegotiator.com


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