TAKING YOUR IP TO THE WORLD 150 150 Lorianne Vaughan

As a mentor to speakers, authors, and podcasters, I have been searching for great events and platforms on which my clients can still share their message. Though in-person conferences will come back someday, we are now entertaining hybrid events and on-line summits to keep learning until we can comfortably be with big groups of people again. I don’t know about you, but that may be a long while for me.

Businesses have taken a hit during this pandemic and are still facing budgetary constraints so conferences (with all the travel expenses) may be one of the line items put on hold for the foreseeable future. But development doesn’t have to be a thing of the past. We just need to move the learning to on-line events and platforms.

That said – the competition for the live events has been brutal as everyone is jockeying for those speaking slots. So, what are we to do?

I am saddened by how many new speakers don’t get the big opportunities to speak, when – in reality – they may have better, up-to-date content than some of the “big names” out there!

In my search, I came across a new Social Lifestyle Learning Platform that is in its pre-launch stage. Right now they are looking for content providers with a solid message and learning for their platform. This will remain up and available to all their worldwide subscribers in an evergreen manner. This may be the perfect platform for new speakers with solid content to be found among the power speakers that have controlled the conference keynotes. And – get this – they will cover all the cost, production, and editing of your content!

I equate this platform to that of Etsy or eBay for artisans who offer their products on a site where millions are looking to buy, as well as have their products available on their site! This could be an excellent option for you to share your content and drive followers to your website. Currently, this platform has a few speakers with large followings, however, they are looking to have a wide variety of content in all categories for all their subscribed learners world-wide.

Did you know in China and India alone there are 3.7 Billion people looking for development content in English??

Now is the time to stop your limiting beliefs of not being able to compete with the Tony Robbins of the world and get your name out to the millions (and possibly billions)….not just your small community! I would love to chat with anyone in the personal or business development arena who would like to learn more!

Please reach out to me at Lorianne@LVSConsultingServices.com.