Stop Waiting to Be Picked (And Kick Some Prospecting Butt)

Stop Waiting to Be Picked (And Kick Some Prospecting Butt) 150 150 David Newman

STOP waiting to be picked…

Are you tired of playing the waiting game… hoping that a good-paying client will drop in your lap from out of the blue?

Are you submitting “calls for speakers” and waiting to be picked?

Are you sending out consulting or coaching or training proposals that are met with deafening silence?

Are you searching for the next cool tool, directory, or service that will magically open doors to more leads… only to be let down and disappointed when yet another “guru” doesn’t deliver the goods?

I’ll tell you what makes me sad…

Watching great speakers (like you, perhaps?) waste YEARS thinking they’re building their business… when all they’re really doing is playing the waiting game that will keep you stuck, powerless, and reactive.

You know what I hear as the most common complaint among speaking-driven entrepreneurs like you?

Here it is — “I just can’t find enough good leads who have budget to hire me!”

Problem is… that’s not REALLY the truth.

Your problem might be even bigger, namely…

If I gave you 10 great leads right now – the right people at the right companies or associations who have the right budget and who OWN the problem you solve…

You wouldn’t close a single sale.

Why? Because either:

a. You wouldn’t reach out at all… (you know who you are)


b. You would cold call them or pitch them or send some generic marketing material that they’d instantly delete…


c. You would try some overly elaborate, complicated CRM sales sequence and send them all sorts of canned messages, emails, articles, PDFs, videos, and other nonsense that is totally irrelevant to them and would quickly become a nuisance.

Frankly, I’m sick of watching smart, dedicated entrepreneurs let go of their dreams because they didn’t have the right strategies, tactics, and tools to make it.

I’d much rather see you choose yourself – get back in the driver’s seat of your results – and kick some serious butt!