The Power of Playing Offense

The Power of Playing Offense 150 150 Eddie Turner


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Hello, everyone! I am Eddie Turner, The Leadership Excelerator®.  In this podcast,  I talk about the power of playing offense. It includes some amazing insights by Paul Epstein,  a professional sports executive for multiple NFL and NBA teams. Here are some interesting insights that you will find in the podcast.

Values & Purpose

If you want to give meaning to your decisions, behaviors, and actions as a leader, the best way is to focus on your values and find your purpose in life. Both of these are already inside of us. But, until you intentionally seek them and put them on paper, you can never act on them.  It fuels your leadership to take the step into each day with more courage, grit, and resilience.

People First Approach

Often with time, people get comfortable in their position as a leader. As a result, you become more risk-averse and even stop dreaming about the future potential of what you can still achieve. But, leadership is not about some title or position.

When you are at the top as a leader, do not just get carried away with organizational goals and promotions. It can limit your potential. Instead, focus on the people you work with – all three directions, above you, below you, and to your side. Connect with your team, care for them, and have a people-first approach.

Empathetic Listening

Take a moment and think about which leader in your professional or personal life influenced you the most and why?

Around the globe, 90% of people in public, private, profit, or non-profit organizations agree that the leaders that influenced them and made them feel positive were the ones with empathetic listening.

Leadership is not about all talk, talk, talk or do, do, do, but a lot about listening!

Listening to your teammates can give you valuable insights and help you make a better company.  It cements your relationship with them and enables you to grow as a leader. It allows you to build relationships and invest in yourself to help others better.

As a leader, playing offense means before you lead others, you must first lead yourself.

The Five Pillars of the Power of Playing Offense in Leadership

  • Purpose and Inspiration – It is about taking a purpose-driven mentality to your business and life each day.
  • Grit and Resilience – It is about facing the adversity head-on and turning it into achievement.
  • Inclusion – It is about helping others to unleash their superpowers through their strengths, gifts, talents, and passions. It is also about including them at the table, coming forward with their superpowers, and realizing their full potential.
  • Creating a Culture – Leadership is no more about commanding control. It is now about creating a culture of camaraderie and connection in the organization.
  • Leave it Better than You Found it – It is about building relationships and connecting with others. It is about finding success by focusing your life from self to a life of legacy.




Don’t forget to check out the full podcast at (Playing Offense as a Leader | Paul Epstein), and share it with your family and friends.


Eddie Turner is the Keep Leading!® podcast host—a podcast dedicated to leadership development and insights.  Subscribe and Share wherever you get your podcasts.  Follow Eddie Turner on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook! Visit to learn more!