Using Language to Manipulate

Using Language to Manipulate 150 150 Dana Pope

If people were deceiving you right to your face would you want to know? That’s not such an unheard of idea. When people talk with each other today it’s common not to say what we mean.

Honey, do these jeans make me look fat?


[It’s your butt that makes your jeans look fat but I can’t say that.]

Would you like to go out again?


[He never heard from her again.]

He’s a really great worker.

[I’m glad he’s out of my department. He wasn’t a good employee.]

It’s easier to say what we think someone wants to hear instead of saying what we think. We hope to avoid hurting another person or the confrontation that might ensue. We answer by the painless way out. We want to get our way so we gloss over the truth. These are common practices in our communication and it’s considered acceptable. It’s delivering a message by using words that hide our true thoughts.

That is one way to use language for our benefit. Another way is by changing definitions of words in order to con others. It has been happening for years yet most people aren’t aware of it.

We learn language from our parents, from school, and from the world around us. As a word is introduced we learn what it means. From there we build sentences, which make it possible to get our message across to others. Communication occurs when a speaker conveys a message and a listener understands what the speaker is saying. It takes the speaker using the right words for his message and the listener understanding what those word mean. But what happens when the definitions of words are changing from what we learned them to mean and we aren’t aware that it’s happening?

Take the word crib. Standing alone we don’t know if the meaning of the word is a baby’s bed or a place to live. The word has changed meanings. The word reality means actual, truth; it’s real. Today we use the word reality as being real or the resemblance of being real. The word reality originally meant it had to be fact. Today it only has to appear to be real.

We’ve seen it on television shows. We used to have reality shows where people were shown as their real self. Later on we find out the reality stars had been coached so it creates better TV. From there we changed reality programs to actuality programs to show that actuality is the real thing. Right.

We even changed the word true. It originally meant fact, actual, genuine, real. Today the word true means conforming to reality. We just learned that today we define reality as resembling something real.

The word true went from fact to anything that looks like it could be fact.

When someone tells you that something is true we think it is fact. What they mean is it’s something that appears to be fact but might not be. If you take what the speaker says as real you are being fooled. Their intention is to deceive you so you will believe them. The speaker is using the change in definitions to manipulate you to their ideologies. You are being duped and you don’t even know it.

It may seem harmless but it is anything but that. When a person is exposed to something over a period of time they adapt to it. For instance, you see a dirty window at home and it bothers you but you don’t take the time to clean it. After a period of time it doesn’t bother you anymore. Your viewpoint has changed. You have been conditioned to accept what you really wouldn’t allow before. This is how the changing of definitions is moving the beliefs and actions of unsuspecting sheep.

No need to fret. An informed mind is an effective mind. We can put a stop to this takeover. Realizing there is a problem is the first step to repairing it. We won’t be fooled since we are aware of what is going on. Check out my website for more: