(Not So) Common Sense Attention

(Not So) Common Sense Attention 150 150 Neen James

You would think paying attention would be easy, common sense really. And yet, we struggle to pay attention to the aspects that matter most.  As leaders, we have one life to lead, on this one planet, and yet we juggle a multitude of roles at work, at home, and in our communities. To help us focus our attention and not split this precious resource, we need to create a simple structure for how to give intentional attention in all aspects of our life.

  • Personally – Be Thoughtful with who gets your attention. Intentional attention starts with you. To assist and serve others, you have to focus on you first. You have to be the most confident, successful person you can be. Then you can focus on the VIPs – very important people – in your life, both personally and professionally, who also need your attention.


  • Professionally – Be Productive as an individual and leader and take action on what is the most important use of your attention. Again, we focus on you first so you can achieve your professional objectives. Only then can you help your team overcome their attention challenges and achieve better results.


  • Globally – Be Responsible for how you contribute to your local community and the world around you. find something you believe in and then give intentional attention to that passion to create a bigger impact.

While these philosophies and thoughts may seem common sense – and they are – they are not common practice. Most of us just need a (not so gentle) reminder every now and then to do the things we often already know we should be doing.

Today, I challenge you to invest one minute, in one interaction, to create one significant moment, for just one person that may create one memory that will last a lifetime.

Pick up a copy of Attention Pays today and begin to change the way you give intentional attention personally, professionally, and globally.