Building Relative Vision

Building Relative Vision 150 150 Edward Brzychcy

Vision is relative.

As organizational leaders, we thrive on the big picture. Not one senior leader that I have spoken with has said to me that this is a 9-5 job for them and that their sense of purpose ends when they leave in the evening. As senior organizational leaders and executives, we gain a great deal of motivation though building strategy, charting new courses though unexpected, and often turbulent, waters, and seeing our organizations reach new milestones in their journeys.

However, in every organization I have worked with there is also a level of stratification where the organization’s junior leaders lose this sense of purpose, and an “us versus them” mentality develops. The idea of “here’s the latest bit from the good idea fairy up at corporate, from people who don’t even know what we’re doing down here, which makes our job harder” is prevalent and demoralizing across teams in the majority of businesses.

The facts show this as well, studies published in Harvard Business Review, showcase a significant gap between strategy and execution. This gap presents a high failure rate which is often not based on having a successful plan but in having junior leaders execute successfully on what the senior leadership has proposed.

Though my coaching and consulting in the past two years I have found that the simplest explanation for this is the vision. Junior leadership often adopts the 9-5, just a job mentality, and the organization’s grander vision is reduced to a few bullet points which are posted in the company break room and given out at annual training events. The junior leaders lose their stake, their purpose in the organization is reduced to merely knocking out tasks without a grander idea of how those tasks contribute to the whole. Likewise, senior leaders are looking for people to execute, but provide no more substantial motivation towards that purpose besides, “it’s their job, do it.”

Building a relative vision is critical in today’s agile and change-orientated business environment. Junior leaders must build up their piece of the company’s overall vision. They must learn how their teams contribute, what their effect is on the larger scheme, and how they may more effectively chart a course through uncertain futures. Senior leaders must find the ways to begin bridging this gap. Simply posting company values and outlining KPIs is not enough. They have to become more inclusive in their strategy sessions, including ideas and input from their subordinate leaders, as well as providing mentoring and coaching opportunities towards these leaders’ personal and professional growth. From all these junior leaders must become more imposed to take action and hold ownership over their pieces of an organization; and as their competencies a grown are proven, they must be given more time and space to manage their teams without excessive or obtrusive management oversight.

All this creates a dynamic leadership structure where motivation is derived from a shared sense of purpose and direction. This shared mentality helps join leaders feel their place in business from more than someone who is merely trying to manage their teams time and resources to someone who is an active participant in a company’s success.