By Danna Olivo
Adjusting To The New Normal
Adjusting To The New Normal https://csuiteold.c-suitenetwork.com/advisors/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2022/02/NewNormal-1024x567.jpg 1024 567 Danna Olivo https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/f65b1e2c7fa671a19a60db374451a1e3?s=96&d=mm&r=gThe past several months leading up to and into 2022 I have been concentrating a great deal of effort preparing my clients and prospects for the New Normal ushered in by the COVID Pandemic. By now I believe that as business owners we can all agree that the old way of doing business has given way to a whole new way that involves:
- Less personal customer/prospect interaction
- Streamlined/reduced resources and personnel
- Increases reliance on technology interfaces, and
- New means of communicating and connecting
What amazes me is that with all these changes there has also been a growing sense of productivity, focus, and community around family and friends. So, the dilemma is ‘How do we capitalize on the New Normal moving forward as we strive to grow and scale our businesses or careers?’ I have included 5 tips to help weed out the confusion and uncertainty brought about by the changes that have taken place and how to Take Back Control.
Stop listening to all the chatter
The first step in gaining the upper hand in your own life and business is to stop listening to what everyone else is saying. The Pandemic has introduced so-called ‘experts’ introducing shock and awe into an already frightening situation. As responsible individuals, we can choose how we react to what is happening around us and whether we let it govern us or we can take back control.
Take stock of the impact
The Pandemic has really had on us personally. Weigh the Pros and Cons. What seems to be a mess and negatively impacting our lives may also be introducing something that was lost a long time ago. I am constantly hearing stories about how families are reconnecting, workers realizing that chasing the brass ring was taking away from what was important in their lives. I for one have realized that by being confined and working from my home, my productivity has increased three-fold. I no longer am putting 100+ miles a day on my car, ultimately saving time, gas, and maintenance on my car.
Take advantage of looser time restraints
The Pandemic has introduced a new way of working, allowing more flexibility to spend as ‘ME’ time. Don’t be afraid to take an hour or two here or there during the workweek for downtime. Take a walk around the block, take the kids to the zoo, or spend some quality time with your ‘better’ half. Not being tied to an office 8-9 hours a day, allows you the freedom of flexibility.
Set up a dedicated space for work at home
Although the Pandemic has ushered in some positive advantages, these can easily be squashed when there is not a dedicated work/home life separation. Working from home can make it difficult to shut down, blurring the lines between work and family. Whether growing your own business or working at home in a remote position, you need to be disciplined enough to know when to close the door at work every day.
Pay close attention to trend changes
Now is not the time to become complacent thinking that THIS is the NEW Normal. Things are far from over when it comes to the impact of COVID. We will continue to see new and improved changes in technology, communications, operational management, streamlined systems, and much more as we maneuver the new normal way of working. To succeed in this changing environment it is more important than ever for you to remain apprised of the changes coming down the pike.
2022 will be a year of discovery and restructuring as we Take Back Control of our lives both personally and professionally. MarketAtomy is offering a 5-Day challenge February 21st – 25th “Taking Back Control in 2022” exploring trend changes impacting business growth moving forward. To register go to https://bpchallenge.teawithchris.com/
MarketAtomy, LLC is a growth development-learning environment for small and medium business owners with one goal in mind…to empower them with the tools and knowledge needed to build their business on a rock-solid foundation. Through foresight and fortitude, entrepreneurial dreams become a reality. For more information, please visit marketatomy.com. Visit MarketAtomy.Academy to find out about the only Learning Management System developed for early-stage business growth.