Jerome Myers C-Suite Network Advisor Since April 2022
Founder - The Myers Development Group, LLC
Management & Leadership
Leadership Development Expert, Podcast Host, and Keynote Speaker
Are you stuck in the Matrix?
Many of us are silently asking ourselves, is there more to life?
Jerome Myers (a/k/a “J”) is a developer of people and places. He is the founder and Chief Inspiration Officer of two ventures. DreamCatchers is a boutique coaching firm that supports first and second generation wealth creators to self actualize and attain transcendence, and The Myers Development Group, where we help ordinary people invest in multifamily real estate in a way that creates generational wealth.
Through these entities he gets to live out his childhood dreams of helping people manifest the things they imagine and he is the evidence that dreams should be real.
Since leaving corporate America after building a 20MM division, J has become one of the most sought after thought leaders in the multifamily development space. His company, The Myers Development Group, built a multi-million-dollar portfolio following the principles of Myers Methods.
This success has led to him being featured on top podcasts such as Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever with Joe Fairless, Apartment Investing with Michael Blank, Multifamily Investor Nation with Dan Hanford, Target Market Insights with John Casmon, and many more.
Although he’s often told that he makes investing look easy, the people closest to him know the road wasn’t without challenges. So, he created Myers Methods, a real estate education company, to dispel many of the myths related to the industry and educate investors on his 4-step process to owning and operating apartments.
Jerome Myers | Founder - The Myers Development Group, LLC
"Jerome is in the business of helping people realize our dreams. That sounds lofty, how is that even possible?
It took me a second to even feel the permission to think about what my dreams are.
Once you go there though, things change. Life has more clarity. The path makes more sense. Jerome has played a large part in how I've clarified my dreams and put my business to work in pursuit of them. He is the guide in my journey as a business owner and as a human. 1000% Recommend."
Jeremy Goodrich
Commercial Real Estate Insurance Advisor
"Jerome Myers and I found each other by chance. What should have been an interview for us both turned out to be a vibing session. He shared his amazing talent and gift with me. His openness and honesty inspired me to share too.
He told me that he could help me to do something most people wouldn’t have a clue that I needed help with, in the first place.
Of course, I was skeptical. I mean, I’ve just met the guy and he is so confident that he can help make such a monumental change in my life. I was sure to express my doubts and skepticism. I mean, COME ON. Pfft. We’ll see.
I relented because my gut said he wasn’t a quack or a creep. So like a psychological thriller waiting to happen, I had a consultation with him.
Line to Zion was the best product based on my needs. It was hard for me initially but I already committed to the process and we got through it.
If I can describe my experience; he created an environment for me to be vulnerable. He was patient and committed. He easily uncovered all my blind spots and helped me to look at all the pieces of my mind and heart. He asked me if I was ready before dousing me with a cold bucket of clarity. Then he asked me if I was okay with the discoveries we made together. Lol, I was not okay.
I’m gonna level here. I was OVERWHELMED and AMAZED after the session was over. After a few hours of soaking it all in; re-reading my report and watching the recording, things clicked into place for me in a way they weren’t able to before.
He gave me exactly what I NEEDED to make a full transformation and I was left stunned.
Well, I did see.
For all the people who want to “ fix that one thing” so you will be free to live the life you actually want to live and walk confidently in your life's purpose, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND LINE TO ZION."
Georgie Baker
Director of Client Experience
"Jerome is a natural coach and facilitator. He listens deeply and observes, then illuminates what lies beneath the surface that can hold us back or move us forward. He helped me build the investing confidence and clarity I needed to take risks and unlock my potential.
After meeting Jerome one time (2007) I made two very big life decisions: going to graduate school and taking an internship with a utility company, both of which I wanted to do but lacked the knowledge and resources to do so. Jerome helped me to clarify my goals and to take action to make those goals realities.
Jerome has an inherent capacity to listen for what’s needed and draw out the concerns, passions and ideas of others. He is authentically selfless in his contributions and has provided priceless value to my investing knowledge through his regular coaching and “POW WOW” conferences. I highly recommend Jerome to anyone looking for a coach who will create the positive, nurturing and common-sense space to support your personal and professional development. Somehow Jerome manages to stay above the emotional fray and resists coddling fears. He will help you to recognize the battles you have with your mind – the battles where your life is at stake. He helps you sort out the voices of the brain from the voices of intuition and he gives you permission to listen to your whole being – your body and your soul.
Jerome has a way of cutting through all the BS. I’m continually impressed with his great insights he has about people, no matter how many hours or years he’s known them. Helping me and others to recognize habits that are no longer working for me and guiding me toward an action plan that resulted in my personal life, career and investing growth! I never expected that to be the outcome, but I am rejuvenated and excited about what each day brings for me now. Jerome keeps me accountable to my goals yet is understanding and flexible. He really understands that sometimes the first decisions might need adjusting. I am eternally grateful for Jerome’s guidance and support. He is worth every penny!
Jerome has a light touch and an easygoing manner, but don’t be fooled: he is ruthlessly focused on helping you discover and inhabit the life you want. Jerome will help you get un-stuck!"
Briean Griggs
Project Manager