Kim Adele Randall C-Suite Network Advisor Since March 2022

CEO of Legacy Media Hub and Host of Authentic Achievements

Management & Leadership

Kim-Adele is at the leading edge of ‘Championing Human Potential’ individually & organizationally for 21st Century Board/C-Suite Level leaders. A world-renowned leadership coach, an internationally bestselling author, inspirational keynote speaker, and master coach, she couples 25 years in the corporate world, with lessons she has garnered throughout her amazing and unique life story, to help others achieve sustainable transformation for professional and personal success.

Currently writing the forthcoming book Authentic Achievements – The 7 Secrets to Building Brave Belief, Unstoppable Sales, and Turning Your Leaders Into Talent Magnets for Guaranteed Sustainable Growth, sharing advice, stories and inspiration to help you achieve exponential growth personally and for your business, based on her proven results for organisations including Capital One, Iris and Eon. Her revolutionary education can be experienced via Keynote Speaking, private one on one Leadership Coaching, Leadership Development Programs, & Bespoke Workshops.

Kim-Adele’s journey has taken her from an NVQ in hairdressing to the boardrooms of the FTSE 250, navigating through some traumatic plot twists along the way. Having lived a colourful life apprenticeship, she more than understands integrally what it means to feel disconnected, which in turn embedded the importance of the core values of ‘humanity, presence, kindness and courage for her.

Bringing these values into the leadership arena or to the boardroom table has sparked her champion of human potential to new levels. She is also a mother to a beautiful daughter who drives her daily to live life to the fullest and leave a legacy that matters.

Kim-Adele’s Co-Authored the books: Remote Working  Pivot and Grow and Women Leading, all of which became international bestsellers when published in 2020. She is Host on the popular podcast Authentic Achievements, Executive Producer for 5 other podcast and streaming shows and co-founder of International Imposter Syndrome Awareness Day.

She also is the CEO of Legacy Media Hub helping entrepreneurs and leaders stand out from the crowd and get their voices heard.  They specialize in creating a brand that reflects your vision and tells your story in a way that leaves a lasting impression. Our insightful approach and authentic storytelling will leave a lasting impression on your audience. Helping you create a brand that stands out, connects with your customers, and makes you unforgettable.

She also runs a partnership with Zondra TV and a portfolio of Non-Exec and Interim positions Globally.