Nina Sunday CSP C-Suite Network Advisor Since October 2020

Keynote speaker on leading people and team transformation

Business Culture

Workplace culture hides in plain sight.
Is yours toxic or flourishing?

In 2001, my new training company grew fast. When I filled a sales role, the new hire was expected to do the job they were hired to do, or soon they gone.

Back then, as a rookie manager, I didn’t know exactly what to say to improve team performance. I would not respond to a problem quickly, but hoped it would just go away. This developed into a full-blown limiting belief; “If I critique poor performance, I will offend people; they won’t stay.”

When I found the courage to hear the results of my team’s upwards feedback survey, it dawned on me that perhaps I was abdicating the task of coaching poor performance. (But wasn’t that the job I paid them to do; to perform?) Turning a blind eye to poor behavior does not mean it will stop as if by magic. Behavior accepted is behavior condoned.

It wasn’t until my second decade in business that I experienced an epiphany. Reading a description of an “Avoider Manager” I recognized myself in the mirror. Hand on heart, I vowed to own my responsibility as a leader and build the capability of my people.

Reading a ton of books on the subject, attending workshops, I lived and breathed the craft of leadership. As a result of being proactively immersed in it for more than a decade, I’m now considered an expert.


Author of “Workplace Wisdom for 9 to thrive”,  Nina Sunday hosts popular management podcast, “Manage Self, Lead Others” on C-Suite Radio, interviewing global experts on self-leadership and leading people.

A CSP (Certified Speaking Professional) and twice Certified Virtual Presenter, Nina Sunday is an authority on transforming team culture with a focus on Leading People and Team Transformation.

A past Chapter President of Professional Speakers Australia, what motivates Nina is this. “I love seeing the lights go on in people’s heads;” she says. “the light of an aha! moment, when they get it – a new idea, a better way to do things.”

With a Bachelor of Arts and Diploma in Education, and after working in television, Nina Sunday’s inner entrepreneur kicked in to found award-winning training company, Brainpower Training Pty Ltd. Over two decades Nina grew a network of Facilitators delivering workplace skills Australia-wide to government and private sector clients.

To view my management podcast, “Manage Self, Lead Others” on C-Suite TV, go here:
or listen via your favourite app e.g. Apple, Spotify, Audible, Stitcher, etc.

To view my interview on C-Suite Network Bestseller TV about my book, “Workplace Wisdom for 9 to Thrive”, click HERE

Invite Nina Sunday CSP as a virtual speaker for your conference globally or in-person in Australia or to lead a workshop or series. Visit