Seth J. Rainess C-Suite Network Advisor Since October 2019

TEDx and Keynote Speaker, Author, Educator, Diversity Consultant

Personal Development

Seth Rainess is a TEDx & Keynote Speaker, Best Selling Author, and Diversity Consultant. He is on the PFLAG Jersey Shore Board and the Advisory Board of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Gender Development and Sexuality Clinic. Educationally, he holds many degrees including an M.S. in psychology and rehab counseling. He also provides workshops for the professional and corporate world on diversity and inclusion. Combining his 30+ years of experience working in the business sector and nonprofit organizations, he can offer wisdom from his own life in discussing the surprises, worries, joys, and rewards of life today. He regularly conducts seminars with open Q&A  for professional development. He is often heard on radio shows. Seth offers a unique perspective on what it takes to be successful in today’s world by drawing on his rich life history.

When not speaking, Seth also works with a select few clients in closing their premium packages and oversees his online e-com store.