Sheila A. Anderson C-Suite Network Advisor Since 2016

International Branding Icon, Image Consultant, Speaker, Author

Personal Development

Sheila A. Anderson is an image and impression management expert driven to empower corporate professionals across the globe in growing their visibility. Her exceptional talent benefits executives and notables at any level in polishing all facets of their brand – appearance, attire, behavior, body language, and more – to power brand-aligned personal presence and communication style. Personally drawn to the influence of impression management, Sheila has successfully cultivated her unique style as an image consultant, personal brand strategist, and sought-after speaker. From professional modeling that includes runway, print, and TV commercial work to a career in corporate brand management, Sheila draws from over two decades of experience when speaking and producing in the world of impression management. Experience the power of ROI – Return on Image®! Revenue is a by-product of image.

Sheila is the author of the book: I.C.U., The Comprehensive Guide to Breathing Life Back Into Your Personal Brand. Sheila designed The I.C.U. Rule™, a process to work with leaders to lean into personal style and authentic brand. Through an analysis phase, leaders focus on being intentional before encounters occur. After gaining clarity in the analysis phase, the focus moves into executing personal style and image through disciplined consistency. Once leaders looked inward and defined who they are and consistently execute authentic style elements into the spaces of their lives, the last phase of I.C.U. is you. The U step is two-fold. First, it represents authenticity. Second, it is about solidifying the brand experience by prioritizing others (you) and relationships, audiences, and communities. These steps result in career advancement, increasing one’s center of influence, and gain recognition as a leader. You will become visible in the space you want to own.

Sheila has been published in Fast Company magazine and Business Insider.

Through her business, Image Power Play, Sheila offers personal branding strategies via: