Sheryl Lynn – CEO, The Chair of Joy™ C-Suite Network Advisor Since September 2020

Sheryl Lynn, CEO, Founder of JOYELY, LLC


Phone: 949-303-5219

Welcome to JOYELY.

The phenomena of the exponential growth of the Experience Economy is upon us.   Savvy companies excel by offering compelling experiences for their customers. JOYELY and the Chair of Joy™ are experiences resulting in better communication, increased productivity, employee engagement, and more profitable businesses.  


Do you believe in possibility? Would you agree that there is a simple answer to personal and global problems? What if we told you that the key to possibility is focusing on experiences of joy?

 We also invite you to listen in to the JOYELY PODCAST, where we engage the world’s top thinkers and doers in compelling conversations on the universal language of joy.  Our guests present the keys that illuminate possibilities for accessing joy in our daily lives. We invite you to listen to refreshing conversations with CEOs and top executives that are revealing, surprising, and will undoubtedly leave you with a renewed sense of joy, inspiration, and expansion of life.


Our Services: Year of Joy Program:

Description: The one-year Accelerated Year of Joy™ Program is designed for C Suite Leaders & Senior Management.  

The increasing pressures from customers, competitors, regulators, and other stakeholders show why aligned team leadership is necessary. Scientific data and qualitative research support the benefits of a culture of joy.      

Our clients have created high-performing leadership teams that have become game-changers for corporations. Research by global consulting firm McKinsey suggests that executives are five times more productive when working as part of a high-performing leadership team.  When teams are aligned and speaking the same language, research shows that teams have a 1.9 x increased likelihood of having above-median financial performance 

We are Addressing Challenges:

• Team is not on the same page
• Stale Meetings
• Inspiration and innovation is lacking
• Disconnected from solving issues, lack of interest
• Avoidance of talking about what’s important
• Elephant in the room

World Council of Joy.
The Mission of The World Council of Joy is to gather the thought leaders of a unique global initiative, providing experiences for JOY and Life Expansion through a council of action-based and collaborative professionals and change-makers. 

Meet the World Council of Joy! We are CEOs, Executives, Educators, and Professionals from all sectors of society who have supported the global expansion of betterment in the world through joy and​ JOYELY.​​​

Together, we are deliberate and determined to give time and energy to a subject that addresses social issues and solves world problems; the powerful simplicity of joy. 

The WCOJ works in partnership with local and global communities and organizations (public, voluntary, and private sectors)  to develop a vision for their local area, working collaboratively to improve services and quality of life for citizens. Councilors of the WCOJ have a lead role in their communities creating both a nation and a world of joy.

The Movement of Joy.
We are creating change through sustained collective action that challenges social, political, and environmental injustice; change at the foundational level, of the everyday choices and actions that we make. Starting with the Foundation of Joy, the social aspect. 

We have a vision and we have started on a course that has unrealized potential – What could our world look like if humanity collectively focused on JOY? What if movements for Voting Rights, Climate Justice, Healthcare, Racial Injustice, Income disparity, Food Insecurity, and Social Inequality were approached from a lens of Joy-focused, action-centered vibrancy? What if we focused on enacting actual change; to move from a place of focusing on lack to a centrally focused strive for our individual and collective right to abundance and collective prosperity.

AURUM SPIRlEM Business Award
This a prestigious awards program that identifies outstanding corporations, leading the world’s business, visionaries, and innovators changing the way things are done culturally. They have been impactful in their roles as leaders and as community citizens.  They are giving back to their communities and to their own countriesSoon to be recognized as one of the world’s most unique and prestigious awards that shine the spotlight on global notables creating a culture of joy. Post-award recipients will most likely be legacy holders in the shift to making joy the dominant vibration on the planet.


1) Join the Community 

  • Sign up for our Newsletter!
  • Download the JOYELY App

2) Get the Experience

  • Download your Chair of Joy™ Guide 
  • Book your COMPLIMENTARY Chair of Joy™ Experience (30 min – virtual) 

3) Attend the Academy 

  • Sign up for the Year of Joy program to activate your personal, local & global  Shift to Joy. 

4) Become an Ambassador  

  • Find out how to  lead the Movement of Joy in your community

5) Become a Coach 

  • Become a Certified Joyely Coach. 

6) Contribute to Growth 

  • Contribute to our sustainability & scalability  
  • Join us with your Time, Talent, and Treasure(s). 

7) Join the World Council of Joy 

  • Apply to become a Member 
  • Contribute to creating Life Expansion globally, together with World Leaders.

8) Become a Content Contributor 

  • Pitch a Podcast Guest; access our podcasts here! 
  • Get The JOYELY Media Kit
  • BONUS: Contribute instantly! Send in a pic or video of you in your COJ #chairofjoy

9) Become a Sponsor

  • Synergize your product/service with the  JOYELY mission. 
  • Increase your visibility as an advocate for JOYELY
  • Represent us on the Chair of Joy™ USA Tours.

10) Purchase Merchandise 

  • Shop our JOYELY BLOOM Apparel and Swag.  
  • Get inspiration for your office/home or decorate your Chair of Joy™!


JOYELY is an American vintage-inspired BRAND with unique offerings that emphasize the importance of focusing on joy in a BIG WAY and like never before. Part of our collection is a Throne Chair – an  Upholstered Luxurious Tufted White Leather and Gold Leaf Frame beauty that captures vintage memories and powerful content from our JOYELY community members and clients.

Do you believe it is possible to live every single day from a place of joy, peace, and prosperity?  We do! Through our elite collaborations, educational material, powerful interviews, and unparalleled events, you will likely be inspired to laugh, celebrate, remember when, grow, or develop a new skill-set. Experience more peace, prosperity, and yes JOY.



“The first and most fundamental responsibility for an individual is to become a joyous human being.”
-Sadhguru, Yogi, and Spiritual Teacher

“Ultimately the greatest joy is when we seek to do good for others.”
-Dalai Lama XIV,  The Book of Joy

“Joy is…having the freedom and the willpower to creatively forge your own destiny.”
-Dr. Paul Abell, Joy Is…365 Keys to Longevity


Sheryl Lynn is the Founder of JOYELY,  where she developed The World Council of Joy. Together they invite CEOs and Innovators from impactful organizations to create change through sustained collective action, starting with a Foundation of Joy, the social aspect.

Sheryl has a career track record of leadership that has proved effective by following a methodology of expansive principles. Her solutions-based teachings are detailed and validated through practice and inner experience.  Sheryl’s training and success prior to JOYELY was as founder and owner of a successful family-owned consulting firm in the consumer-packaged goods industry.

The more she studied and lived this life of joy, the more people entered her life who also have their own powerful force fields. Experiencing connection after connection, and extending invitations to some “joy matches”, Sheryl soon had the tangible cornerstones of which had been whirling around in her heart. These are the JOYELY community, founding finances, a core inner team, and her developing story around joy taking precedence in her life while inviting others to join her.

Some people have a light that refuses to grow dimmer. Instead, the light becomes such a bright force throughout a lifetime that they, themselves, have become their own energy source.

Sheryl Lynn, founder of JOYELY is one such light. Emerging at a time where it is more important than ever to cultivate that light- the light of health and healing that qualifies as nothing less than miraculous, the light of doing what had previously only been imaginary, the light of prospering financially— what Sheryl has discovered, with the help of her followers is that Joy, when mastered is the key to a life worth living. Find out more!