Can I be Mindful and Use My Technology?

Can I be Mindful and Use My Technology? 150 150 Holly Duckworth

This is among the top five questions I get asked as a mindful leadership authority.  The answer is well… in the definition of mindfulness itself.  Mindfulness is the practice of being present in the moment without judgment. So, if that is what we are practicing then I cannot judge if you can or can’t be mindful with your technology.  If you have ways to be fully present with your technology and be productive then you are practicing mindfulness.

So, with that said the answer for me is an unavoidable yes, and.  Yes, in today’s world where we are connected to technology 24/7/365 I sense for humans to practice mindfulness it may in fact start with a piece of technology.

Top 3 Mindful Technology Apps:

Insight Timer:  Knowing as the #1 Free Meditation app for sleep, relaxation, and more we are proud to have our podcast, included on this app.  Here you will find more than 7,000 mindful teachers with courses, meditations, and playlists to help you focus on the now, reduce anxiety, and re-connect with yourself.

CALM:  Looking to quiet your mind?  Millions use CALM, named an Apple Best Of App their mission is to make the world happier and healthier.  On this app, there are meditations, stories, and more.  CALM also has a business app to build a resilient workforce for mental fitness.

10% Happier: Do you get fidgety just thinking about meditation? This is the app for you.  This app hosts expert teachers to walk you thru the basics one breath at a time. Based on the book and work of Dan Harris former ABC News anchor where he shares his journey from skeptic to the daily meditator.

While these apps each have different features and benefits they all are an invitation to mindfulness or meditative practice.

As C-Suite network readers, I know you want to be at the top of your professional performance, so I’d add these two tools to consider.  These tools offer ways to turn down your other technology to become more fully present with yourself.  We use website blockers to block our ability to access social media sites that may be distracting. We love the tool that has several lockdown features.  We also use the chrome web store extension StayFocusd helps you do just that, stay focused. StayFocusd increases your productivity by limiting the amount of time that you can spend on time-wasting websites.

Questions to check your mindfulness with technology:

  • Is this technology, phone, app, webpage tool supporting me?
  • Is this technology supporting my ability to be present with others?
  • Does this technology tool make me mind less?  Or bring me back to the moment?
  • How many hours am I on technology?

The use of technology is a necessary part of life in 2020 as such to be a mindful leader with technology you need to become aware of it if it is a support to the life you want to have or a distraction from it.  There is no right or wrong answer, it’s the right or wrong answer for you.  You know in your heart if you are on your devices too much.

And, it’s good and healthy for your eyes, hands, back, and body to take mindful breaks through the day and even a technology vacation once in a while.

Holly Duckworth, CAE, CMP, LSP, is a nationally recognized speaker, author, and coach for mindful leadership.  Her company Leadership Solutions International work with stressed-out leaders to create profits, peace, and presence.  Look for her podcast on C-Suite Radio and library of award-winning mindful leadership and sales books at C-Suite Book Club.