By Michael Beas
Exclusive Interview with Bestselling Author Zana Petricevic on ‘Bold Reinvented’.
Exclusive Interview with Bestselling Author Zana Petricevic on ‘Bold Reinvented’. https://csuiteold.c-suitenetwork.com/advisors/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2021/11/IMG_2094-1024x768.jpg 1024 768 Michael Beas https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/a0e0ab435089d802515e3cb28ade2428?s=96&d=mm&r=gWith over 15 years of experience as a corporate manager, entrepreneur, executive leadership coach, leadership development consultant, coaching trainer, and mentor with a great passion for writing, teaching, and public speaking. Zana Petricevic is the author of a book called Bold Reinvented: Next Level Leading with Courage, Consciousness, and Conviction.
I had a chance to chat with Zana Petricevic on Bold Reinvented. Here is what she shared with me:
What are the three key areas that you would recommend leaders to focus on?
My SOUL leadership framework is divided into four corners specifically to answer this question. First, we start with Self – where we uncover who we really are and our impact in the world. Then we move on to Others, exploring the quality of our relationships and learning to be bold enough to lean on others and ask for help. The next corner is Universe, one of my favorites. There we look at what it means to be a leader who can sense what’s needed in a room, in a company, in the world. We tune in to the bigger picture of leadership and collective responsibility. Finally, we get to legacy. Getting clear on why we do the work we do so we don’t end up working to make time and pay bills, but truly connect with our life purpose and make it real.
Define Bold Leadership Culture in your own words?
Bold Leadership is about creating a more daring world and having an active role in it. It’s about honoring integrity in leadership practice, change in collective consciousness, and accountability in individuals.
Every book has a story of how it came into existence. Talk to us about the story of your latest book ‘Bold Reinvented.’ How did the book come about, and what are some of the points that hope reads can apply after reading your book?
The book comes out of my own work of taking bigger risks and stepping into my own BOLD leadership. I’ve felt for a long time that I had a book in me. It was just a matter of time until I couldn’t hold it in and had to make it real. I’m so glad I did. If there’s only one thing readers can remember from this book, I hope it’s to take their own risks in living their life purpose. You are so needed. Behind every creative project, every company, every innovation, lies courageous individuals bold enough to step into the unknown with both feet. If we don’t do the work that calls us forth, so much of what we love would be missing, and so much of our impact that can make a meaningful change out there in the world would stay unrealized. I hope my book ignites your BOLDNESS and invites you to put some skin in the game and bring your leadership in service of your world.
What is one of the things that you enjoy doing when you are not teaching business owners how to lead and manage the world?
I enjoy spending time with my family, my six-year-old son, and my husband. Only when I feel their presence consciously and my deep sense of joy because of it do I realize that there is nothing more precious than the moments we share. I guess in simple language. You’d call it quality time. In these moments, there is not much that I am doing. I am just being present.
If you can talk to one famous business owner in the world, who would it be and why?
My curiosity goes in a different direction. I’d like to speak to many unknown people around the world that have brought significant, meaningful change to their environments by taking some sort of a risk. By that, I mean those people who took personal risks to make this world more human, and we perhaps do not know about them, and so we miss the opportunity to get inspired and empowered by their personal experience. I’d like to hear their stories, learn from their stories, and tell their stories as a part of our truly meaningful human legacy.