Stacey Hanke

By Stacey Hanke

Five Questions In Five Minutes: How To Close The Deal And Connect With Your Audience

Five Questions In Five Minutes: How To Close The Deal And Connect With Your Audience 150 150 Stacey Hanke

Years ago, before I began my own business, I worked for a large manufacturing company. Each quarter, a group of leaders would meet with the chief financial officer to get a financial update. She would show slide after painful slide filled with financial figures so small that everyone in the room would squint. “I know you can’t read this, but …” she would always say as she continued the torture.

I can remember stopping to evaluate the room. I glanced around and witnessed some people completely tuned out, focusing on their phones. Others were writing notes to one another, and some were carrying on sidebar conversations. None of us were connected to what the CFO was sharing. Despite her lofty title and brilliant, financially focused mind, none of us could understand a thing she said.

Our CFO might have been an amazing presenter to a room full of other financially minded professionals, but to the rest of us, she missed the mark. She didn’t know her audience. She assumed we knew what she was trying to say, yet she never attempted to engage or interact with us. She essentially stood in the front of the room and had a conversation with herself while the rest of us watched. Her message didn’t stick. As a result, she lacked influence.