By Michael Beas
Getting Real With Dr. Dain Heer About His bestselling Book ‘Body Whispering’
Getting Real With Dr. Dain Heer About His bestselling Book ‘Body Whispering’ https://csuiteold.c-suitenetwork.com/advisors/wp-content/themes/csadvisore/images/empty/thumbnail.jpg 150 150 Michael Beas https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/a0e0ab435089d802515e3cb28ade2428?s=96&d=mm&r=gDr. Dain Heer’s book ‘Body Whispering’ hit the bestseller list as soon as it came out, which isn’t surprising considering its amazing insights into your relationship with your body – and reading it may well be the beginning of the best friendship you’ve ever had. In this absolutely phenomenal book, Heer gives readers the tools they need to find healing, change, and transformation.
The messages in ‘Body Whispering’ have really resonated with readers and helped them change their relationship with their bodies, as well as infuse their lives with more joy. This level of success is nothing new for Dr. Dain Heer, who has been facilitating, exploring, and celebrating the magic of bodies for the last 30 years. Along his journey, he developed his signature energy work called the Energetic Synthesis of Being: A totally different way that invites a new level of awareness and transformation with bodies.
We were thrilled when Heer agreed to have a chat with us, so we can learn more about this talented thought leader and his book ‘Body Whispering’.
When you did the final read-through of ‘Body Whispering,’ what was your favorite part, and why?
Actually, my favorite part of doing the final read through the entire transcript was how each piece on its own created an opening, but how, when all put together, it created a dynamically different space of gratitude, joy, and the sense that everything in my body that I have a desire to be different was actually changeable.
I love it because each piece individually, and each concept individually, is dynamic on its own. But when received all together, they all add and contribute to each other to create something truly magical.
Here is an excerpt from the book (and one of my favorite parts), that I would like to share with you, which hopefully will help you see the destructive element of judgment:
I’ve said this already, and I’ll say it again: Judgment is a killer. It’s a killer of possibilities; it’s a killer of space, it’s a killer of energy, it’s a killer of joy, it’s a killer of happiness.
Moreover, it’s the number one cause of pain, suffering, and illness on the planet. As a body whisperer, understanding more about judgment and its destructive and limiting nature puts you in a place where I believe hardly any other healers on the planet are right now, and a place where you can bring change into your world and the world of the people you work on with real ease.
The thing about judgment is that it’s an ingrained habit, and it’s no one’s fault that they picked it up. It’s almost like a reflex. We’ve been conditioned to judge everything about us. Everything we think, everything we choose, everything we do is labeled as good or bad, right or wrong.
What if it didn’t have to be that way?
What if it’s not the way you really are, underneath all the conditioning? What if dropping judgment altogether would be like a homecoming and a return to your true nature?
Almost like getting your wings back?
You had those wings when you were a baby, by the way.
You didn’t come into the world judging yourself or others; you were a little ball of conscious energy and light.
And as with any habit, judgment is a habit you can choose to break.
You cover a lot of territory in this phenomenal book, including how people often drain themselves because they need to heal others. Can you tell us a bit more about this concept?
Many of us are empaths, and take on the pain of those around us.
In the case of people who work as healers, such as chiropractors or massage therapists, they help clients reduce pain by taking on the pain for themselves. For example, a client comes in with a sore shoulder and feels better at the end, because they’ve absorbed some of that.
We’re all walking around like psychic sponges, absorbing both the emotional and physical pain of people around us (and the emotions and the pain are usually linked, by the way).
When people talk about carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders, they mean it! When you stop taking on what doesn’t belong to you, it’s amazing how much freer your body can feel.
My favorite tool for this is asking, “who does this belong to?” when I feel a negative emotion or physical pain, like a sore neck. If I feel lighter after asking the question (which 99% of the time, I do!), I return the thought, feeling, sensation or emotion back to the sender, even if I don’t know who it is.
How did you develop the idea of body whispering? Can anyone become a body whisper?
Body Whispering is a culmination of more than twenty years of experience as the co-founder of Access Consciousness for the past 20 years and my experience working as a chiropractor.
When I started out as a chiropractor, I always had a sense that there was something more I could be doing for my patients.
A few years in, I met Gary Douglas, the co-founder of Access Consciousness. He came into my practice for a session and said, “my body will tell you what it needs.”
This was an eye-opening experience for me as it was the first time I have been asked, ” Ask my body what it needs?!” Suddenly, I was aware of this whole new communion with bodies and a new world opened up for me.
This was the beginning of my body whispering journey. I then developed my signature energy process, the Energetic Synthesis of Being (ESB), and run classes worldwide working with people to teach them how to transform their limitations into possibilities for healing and energetic awareness.
To learn more about Dr. Dain Heer and ‘Body Whispering’ check out Amazon.