Good News, It's Okay to Fail

Good News, It's Okay to Fail 150 150 Connie Pheiff

If you look closely, most overnight successes really took a long time. Most of us have the fear of failure, a fear that’s crippling to many of us. I spent the last few years studying some of the most influential people in business. I came to the realization that failure in business is okay. As an entrepreneur myself, I’ve come to embrace failure and appreciate failure as a critical element of growth. Are you struggling with fear of failure? Fear not, here are three reasons why it’s okay to fail.

Lets examine some of the great failures. Sorry I mean entrepreneurs.

  • Steve Jobs, Apple Computers
  • Walt Disney, Disney World
  • Thomas Edison, electricity
  • Bill Gates, Microsoft
  • Henry Ford, Ford Motor Company
  • Richard Branson, Virgin Airlines, Virgin Records, Virgin Vodka
  1. Successful people become robust. They stick to it; I call this stick-a-bility. “What doesn’t kill you will make you stronger.” When you fail, it builds up your character. You need todevelop thick skin and have unwavering faith you will succeed. If you fail, get back up, dust yourself off, and keep moving forward.
  2. Successful people will develop. Successful entrepreneurs are always growing, learning, and looking for new ways to grow through their diverse experiences. When you make mistakes and you will learn best practices for next time. It’s time to drive your success.

“Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the

happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing it.”

~Andy Rooney


Be Unstoppable Together

Connie Pheiff, Unstoppable DIVA

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