Cristina DiGiacomo, M.S.

By Cristina DiGiacomo, M.S.

How To Transcend With The Right Resolution

How To Transcend With The Right Resolution 150 150 Cristina DiGiacomo

Not since the last season of Game of Thrones have I seen anything as anticipated as 2021. If there is any year that warrants the usual talk about resolutions, about change, it’s this one. Everyone has made a New Year’s resolution (or two or twenty) in the past, but this year I am inspired to challenge myself and you with radical resolutions.

Most people make resolutions that we believe will optimize their lives. Weight loss, habit quitting, habit making, more sleep, more exercise, less sugar are all familiar flags we wave to our future selves but inevitable; we fall short.

And I think I know why.

Our focus is outward and not inward

Let’s look to Plato for guidance. Plato differentiates two categories of “good” for which we should strive. Human (outward) and Divine (inward). Human Goods are those that relate to material things like health, wealth, strength, and beauty. Divine Goods relate to our higher nature: wisdom, self-control, justice, and courage, and it’s these ‘Goods’ that will make the most impact on your life.  

Did you ever look at a picture of yourself from 10 years ago and think, “why was I so obsessed with my weight back then? I looked great!” At the time, you probably made a New Years’ resolution promising to lose those 5-10lbs (Human Goods), when in reality, if you focused on the wisdom of self-acceptance instead (Divine Goods), it would have been a lot better use of your energy.

It is all well and good (pun intended) to aim for better health, wealth, and strength, but I declare we should aim at a higher target for a real resolution.

Get radical and aim for the Divine Goods.

The pursuit of these traits will lead you to real growth, sharper insight, and ultimately dynamic change.

What most counts is not merely to live, but to live right. – Socrates

Choose your own path 

When other people’s resolutions sound familiar, it’s because these are the resolutions we tend to gravitate toward. Why? Because, in essence, they are easy.  They are the philosophical equivalent to cosmetics for life, and someone else forged that path. These resolutions for change are surface issues, but for real valuable change, we need to look at resolutions differently. We need to go deeper.

Here is my radical resolution; I’m going to tell the truth for a year

This doesn’t sound radical on the onset, but hear me out. Recently, I wasn’t truthful to a vendor about how I felt about our working together. I opted for politeness over truth. With a tendency to make others more comfortable and come off as easy-going, I didn’t want to be labeled as a difficult client; I didn’t advocate for myself. I stepped away from seeking justice for myself. To their credit, they recognized this and prompted me to be more forthcoming. A follow-up conversation led to resolutions and improvements for both of us and a genuine feeling of goodwill towards each other.

This exchange is the inspiration for my radical resolution; to tell the truth. When you look at all of those little lies for the sake of ease, we tell others and ourselves daily; it’s a radical idea to practice truth-telling.

I even write about being the truth! So consider myself checked, and I am ready to walk the walk. 

How To Get Radical For Your Resolutions!

2021 is the year for Divine Goods – here are a few ideas:


    • Tell the truth (and be kind!)
    • Think before you act
    • Make a habit of listening as your default 
    • Act only on facts (I wrote a whole book about this idea LINK)


    • Resist gossip
    • Forgo angry or hostile posts on social media
    • Watch the sunrise
    • Meditate


    • Volunteer for a purpose
    • Participate in a cause
    • Support others facing adversity 
    • Mentor


    • Get involved
    • Face-down a fear
    • Make a bucket list and start doing it!
    • Do new things

I want 2021 to come as quickly as the next person, and inspired by Plato’s Divine Goods; I encourage you to find your Radical Resolution. If you want some help brainstorming, learn more about me here and hit me up (on me!), and let’s get you aiming higher than ever before.