I'm Outta Here

I'm Outta Here 150 150 Connie Pheiff

I’m Outta Here…

Why are 2-Million Americans fleeing their jobs each month? This is an alarming fact. Begs the question what are corporate leaders doing to keep them?

A recent study by Accenture reports:

1) They don’t like their boss (31%),

2) A lack of empowerment (31%),

3) Internal politics (35%) and

4) Lack of recognition (43%).

In total, according to Accenture, 40 percent of men and 25 percent of women want to become their own boss. With the highest percentage being GenX’ers. (Ages 32-58).

Understanding the Five Core Values of Generation X

  1. Relationships. Relationships are their greatest fear and their greatest need. They have a deep yearning to know and be known, but they are afraid. They are afraid of letting their real self out for fear of being rejected so they maintain the ideal self, the self that others accept—leading to deadly isolation.
  2. Fun. From computer games to bungee jumping, Xers are into fun. One Xer said: “You think money is the basis for our existence when it’s really much simpler: fun is.” Most Xers work to live. They are waiting for the weekend. (Note: Most ESPN “Extreme Games” feature Xers.)
  3. Experience. Subjective experience validates if something is real and good. They want to enjoy life, make a difference, and do something meaningful besides just punching a clock from 9 to 5.
  4. Freedom. They don’t like to be labeled and put in a box. They want to be seen as unique individuals able to make a valuable contribution to society. They are very creative and independent and struggle with limits and rules. They value flexibility and spontaneity.
  5. Family. If Xers have children, they don’t want to make the same mistakes their parents did. They will spend time with their kids. Xer parents, especially dads, seem to be incredibly committed to their children.

Adapted from A Guide to Understanding Generation X Sub-Cultures by Ken Baugh.

Take your time when planning your exit strategy. Remember, the whole point of having a strategy is so you have a clear game plan. If you rush into it without being clear on every aspect of your strategy, you will most likely find yourself in a risky situation.

Connie Pheiff, Unstoppable Speaker

Do you have questions or comments about the issues in today’s post? Want to know how to apply the strategies, or how to help others with them? If so, contact me at connie@pheiffgroup.com or CLICK HERE to schedule a 20-minute discovery call to discuss with you personally.