Inspire collective intelligence and transform your culture with Multipliers

Inspire Collective Intelligence and Transform Your Culture with Multipliers

Inspire Collective Intelligence and Transform Your Culture with Multipliers 1024 457 Carlos Vargas

In her groundbreaking research and bestseller, Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter, Liz Wiseman discovered how people’s intelligence can be multiplied or diminished (often unintentionally) by their leaders. But there are factors beyond the individual leader — especially within your organization’s culture — that can have a profound impact on whether your people contribute all of their smarts.

Multipliers book cover Our world is rapidly changing. To keep up and to create the type of workplaces where people thrive, we need diminishing leaders to be replaced by those who serve as true Multipliers, inspiring collective intelligence and capability on a mass scale. It’s immense, both in promise and deed, so let’s begin. – Liz Wiseman

Start with the vocabulary

Changing a culture means changing the conversation. And, to change the conversation, people need new words, especially words about behaviors that lead to winning results.

We designed a 3-part mini learning journey to introduce key Multipliers concepts.

Sign up for instant access to 3 quick interactive learning modules you can do at your own pace or binge-complete for a fast and easy Multipliers learning experience.

Your complimentary Multipliers journey awaits. Sign up today!

Here’s what participants have shared about Multipliers

  • “Being an Optimist and Always On can, will, does diminish my team’s potential. Thank you for immediate self awareness and the tools to quickly change and drive increased team productivity!”
  • “My aha is that this is incredibly beneficial to new leaders in the organization as well as experienced leaders. Starting new leaders off with an awareness sets them up for success.”
  • “Diminisher activities can happen due to good intentions. Be self aware!
  • “There is a fine line between being a helper and a diminisher, and we all exhibit diminishing behaviors at times.”
  • “One aha moment from today was learning that being a rapid responder can cause negative effects on the team instead of helping move things along faster.”
  • “Love the accidental diminishes because they are so real and all of us have one or more in us. Makes you really take a hard look at yourself and think about how to change.”
  • “Fun way to learn about important choices as leaders.  Valuable to work with both multiplier AND diminisher characteristics.”