Leadership "Off-Brand" Behaviors

Leadership "Off-Brand" Behaviors 150 150 Lesley Everett

When speaking with C-Suite executives, I have noticed that the most popular chapter in my new book (Corporate Brand personality) is the chapter on Leadership ‘off-brand’ Behaviors. I wonder why? Perhaps you are savvy enough to realize that today yours and your leadership team’s individual brands play a significant part of the perceived brand of your business. Furthermore they have an increasing impact on your employer brand and employee engagement levels.

Employees and clients alike look for a level of authenticity in the brand they work for and buy from. This most strongly comes from you and your leaders reinforcing in the brand in your own individual ways, via aligned behaviors. As a leader, having a clear set of values and being open and transparent with those values, will enable you to ‘take’ people with you more effectively.

According to research by Burson-Marsteller, a CEO’s reputation account for 50% of a company’s reputation, and is 63% in Germany!

Maybe it’s time to take your personal brand seriously and treat it as strategic priority in your business.

To download this chapter of my book or buy it – www.lesleyeverett.com