Learn about your customer’s business

Learn about your customer’s business 150 150 Carlos Vargas

Some of the best sales professionals I ever met demonstrate a strong combination a business acumen and influencing capabilities.

For the business acumen part, I asked a Senior Partner at one of my clients how did he learn about the industry, and his answer was – “With a Business Simulation Experience”. Through an Industry Business Simulation, participants:
• Understand the interdependencies in the industry ecosystem and how key players create value and influence one another
• Inhabit the executive mindset, understand industry terminology and how the industry sector business is run
• Articulate the key strategic priorities, financial levers, and challenges facing the industry
• Identify the critical decisions made on a day-to-day basis, the inputs, outputs, impacts & implications of those decisions, and how market changes implicate decision making
• Engage in informed discussions about the industry with a true appreciation of the business and a point of view on how and why market trends impact the industry sector ecosystem
• Develop an action plan to apply the knowledge and capabilities back on the job and drive results

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