By Danna Olivo
Taking Back Control In 2022!
Taking Back Control In 2022! https://csuiteold.c-suitenetwork.com/advisors/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2021/12/AnnualPlan2022.jpg 1000 707 Danna Olivo https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/f65b1e2c7fa671a19a60db374451a1e3?s=96&d=mm&r=gThe new decade starting in 2020 ushered in a plethora of unexpected turns, from the ongoing economic recession that began during the previous decade to the newest and most impactful economic disruption…COVID19 is not even two months into the new decade! Have the past 24 months set the tone for what we can expect the next eight years to bring? Good or bad… acknowledgment and adaptation to meet the challenges that come with a changing economic infrastructure require critical thinking and strategic implementation.
We can sit back and hope for things to return to normal, or we can accept that what we’re experiencing today is the NEW Normal, and it is now time to Take Back Control! For me, the past two years have seen me pivot considerably in my business. Before 2020, my business engaged primarily in personal interaction through networking, seminars, and conferences for almost ten years. However, once COVID-19 kicked in I had to rethink how I would continue to serve my primary audience and deliver the programs they needed while being sequestered from my home.
Looking Back to Move Forward
I spent the next 20 months developing an online platform designed to educate and connect small and micro business owners. Although, I had always planned on building an online educational platform, COVID-19 just pushed the timeline up a little. Looking back, I realize that being forced to introduce this platform early was a God thing! There hasn’t been a better time to introduce this environment than now. Especially since we have seen almost an 80% increase in new business licenses issued since the beginning of 2020.
What was proposed to be the introduction of 20/20 vision that would enable us to see everything much more clearly than ever before … seems to have missed its mark. Or has it?
I believe that the past 24 months have introduced clarity and shown us what was missing in our personal and professional lives. For so many years we have been driven by our desires for things and the need to earn money to pay for said things. We were living in a rut chasing a speculative future. As a result, our immediate family lives have suffered a severe disconnect.
Priority Mindshift
Reports have indicated that a major part of the rise in business license applications has been a direct result of individuals realizing that time spent reconnecting with family mattered more than the material things they were chasing. They realized that they could afford to cash out and take the leap into business ownership.
However, businesses need to be more resilient, adaptable, and agile to cope with everything that’s going on in the world…and what may still be down the road. The focus moving forward should be made on how to build a business strategy and marketing. Business strategies are the blueprint for how you plan to run your company and how you will mitigate what happens down the road. No matter how much uncertainty exists, entrepreneurs need to build business strategies for 2022 to move forward.
Let’s dive into the business strategies that entrepreneurs build to move forward in 2022
MarketAtomy LLC will be holding a 10-hour virtual annual planning workshop series beginning January 31, 2022. For more information and to register go to https://www.marketatomy.com/gpstrategy-2/
MarketAtomy, LLC is a growth development-learning environment for small and medium business owners with one goal in mind…to empower them with the tools and knowledge needed to build their business on a rock-solid foundation. Through foresight and fortitude, entrepreneurial dreams become a reality. For more information, please visit marketatomy.com. Visit MarketAtomy.Academy to find out about the only Learning Management System developed for early-stage business growth.