Kevin Lee: President – Giving Forward, CEO – eMarketing Association, Founder Didit

By Kevin Lee: President – Giving Forward, CEO – eMarketing Association, Founder Didit

The 25 percent Rule: for Experimental Media, a tip from Jeanniey Walden

The 25 percent Rule: for Experimental Media, a tip from Jeanniey Walden 150 150 Kevin Lee

Many CMOs struggle with how to try our new things within their overall marketing plan. Things are moving more quickly than ever and the pandemic has further accelerated change in what “works.” The optimal paid and earned media mix now and in 2021 is clearly going to be quite different than previous plans. I had the pleasure of catching up with Jeanniey Walden the CMO of DailyPay, a BtoBtoE (E is employees) business/platform that makes cash easily available to employees of companies that use the platform. Jeanniey has also lead marketing for several consumer and business brands.

The full interview is available as well, and highly recommended.