THE NEW NORMAL (First in a Series)

THE NEW NORMAL (First in a Series) 150 150 Tina Greenbaum


Covid-19 is the elephant in the room. The underlying zeitgeist and angst that colors everything we do…or don’t do. We’re all infected with it to some degree: whether you have the virus, know someone or just worry about it. In the coming days and weeks, I’ll be posting a daily blog with my friend and colleague, Steve Lance. We’ll be offering tips and strategies that can “lower your emotional thermostat” and manage remote work more effectively. Steve is a best-selling author and Creative Director whose firm does Corporate Process Interventions. Our hope is these daily notes give you tools that can turn your elephant into, say, a zebra. (Yes, it will still be the exotic animal in the room, but it might be more manageable.) If you have helpful tips you’re using, please comment and we’ll include them in subsequent blogs. In the meantime, stay safe. Stay smart. Stay apart. Tina (and Steve)