The ONLY Number That Counts to Hit Your Goals

The ONLY Number That Counts to Hit Your Goals 150 150 David Newman

We talk a LOT about fees, revenue, goals, and metrics in our mentoring program.

Many experts and speakers overcomplicate this.

Should you have a 17-part fee menu with modular prices for every potential type of engagement?


Should you charge by the size of company, by the length of program, by the number of attendees?


Should you become a master of bargaining up and down with your fees, or be able to squeeze blood from a stone, or wrangle a deal better than an FBI hostage negotiator?


In fact, there’s only one number that you need to focus on if you want to land more and better speaking, coaching, consulting, and training clients for much higher fees.

It’s the number that leaves your lips.

Quote the right fee in the right way at the right time.

No waffling.

No caving.

No negotiating.

No begging.

No convincing.

No persuading.

Understand the value you bring to the table, talk about solving business problems (not speaker problems) and you’ll win every time.

You win when the right clients say “Yes” to your right fee.

And you’ll also win when the wrong clients say “No” to your right fee.

What’s the new number that’s going to leave YOUR lips the next time you’re talking to a prospect who wants you to train, coach, speak, or consult?

I REALLY want to know – will you hit reply and tell me your new number?