By John DeMato
What fires have you put out recently? Share them through your online content.
What fires have you put out recently? Share them through your online content. https://csuiteold.c-suitenetwork.com/advisors/wp-content/uploads/sites/5/2019/09/080619-PICZ-PORTRAIT-2850-1024x682.jpg 1024 682 John DeMato https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/16462635c0dc0f49277b2f721421a192?s=96&d=mm&r=gLooking for something to write about for online content?
Talk about the fires you’ve put out this month, for starters…
Regardless of what area of expertise in which you specialize, you undoubtedly have had to deal with unexpected left turns when it comes to your client work.
While these speed bumps and hindrances are undoubtedly a pain in the ass with which to deal, you’ve handled it in the best way possible to satisfy your clients.
The bad news is that you never know when these roadblocks will present themselves.
The good news is that you can leverage the entire experience in content that will deeply resonate with those that you serve.
I’ve devoted a good portion of my blog and social content to describe the various ways in which I’ve helped clients overcome emotional roadblocks, logistical hiccups and day-of-shoot shenanigans that could’ve ultimately affected the success of the session.
Ultimately, it only represented a small blip on the radar once we addressed the issue and moved past it.
It alerts clients of the type of service and experience that they should expect when they work with me.
At the end of the day, everything I write is not about me, it’s about my clients.
And sharing how you put out fires is a huge component to that puzzle because we all know that smooth sailing with respect to client work is rarely how things work out.
Potential clients want a sense of how you handle yourself in those moments
When they read your content, they’re relating it directly to themselves.
Let them know how you will take care of them should something unsuspected arise in the work you do with them.
Since we’re talking about putting out fires, let’s get some of them on paper for you right now.
Putting Out Fires — Idea Nugget Exercise
I want you to identify one client you’ve had over the past month where the road got a little rocky and answer the following questions.
Don’t rush – take a couple minutes:
- What was the 5-alarm fire that popped up during your client work?
- How did your client react to it?
- How did you react to it?
- How did you resolve the issue?
Once you’re done, combine the answers together, tighten up the English, make sure the story is relatable to those in your audience and, suddenly, you have the raw materials needed to create a social post or blog article staring right back at you!
Then, the next question is how do you visually punctuate this story, whether its an image for your social post or a thumbnail for your blog entry.
The first question is whether or not you want to identify the client specifically.
If so:
- Do you have a photo with the client?
- A selfie?
- Screengrab of you two talking via a web conferencing app such as Zoom?
- A photo taken together at an event?
If you don’t want to identify the client and speak in general terms – I do this ALL the time – then:
- Do you have a lifestyle portrait of you working with a client where you can’t make out their faces?
- On a Zoom call on your laptop?
- On the phone speaking with a client?
- A dramatic photo of you thinking to yourself that creates a sentiment of reflection and rumination?
There are a myriad ways you can visually punctuate a story like this.
The key is that you first identify the specific fire you put out and write it down, and the image choice will inevitably follow based on your objective with the post and whether or not you want to identify the client specifically.
When you share content like this, you’re providing your audience of potential clients the opportunity to realize that whatever comes up while working with you, they’re in good hands and you know exactly how to take care of them.
That goes a long way in establishing a deeper connection, rapport and ultimately, trust, with those you serve.
Similar to this idea nugget-inducing article, I share a variety of storytelling strategies in my blog. If you’d like to receive them directly in your inbox to read at your leisure, then subscribe to my
blog – I’ll throw in a free gift once you sign up, cause you know, I care,
If you’re looking for more personalized work to help you sort out your online content creation strategy, I can help you with that, as well.
Set up a call with me and let’s see if we’re a fit to work together and how I can help you with your points of friction in this area.
John DeMato is a NYC branded lifestyle portrait photographer and storytelling strategist who serves speakers, authors, coaches and high-level entrepreneurs across the country. His 50+ page e-book, S.H.A.R.E. M.A.G.I.C.A.L. I.D.E.A.S., lays out the how, what and why behind creating a memorable and referable online presence – sign up to get your FREE copy today.