What is Strategic Planning?

What is Strategic Planning? 150 150 Michelle Nasser

Strategic planning is your road map to success. It brings a sense of focus, improves business self-awareness, and motivates employees to work towards a common goal.

Pick specific priorities by determining the direction of your organization.

Create a plan of action with key players within your organization and external experts/consultants/coaches.

Allocate resources by using resourceful thinking.

Be flexible.

The process of strategic planning involves exceptional interpersonal skills, as it promotes the open and creative exchange of ideas, including putting disagreements on the table and working out effective solutions.

It is important to exercise attention to detail and using SWOT analysis is a great way to recognize assets and risks:

Strength – attributes of the business that can help achieve the objective

Weaknesses – attributes of the business that could be obstructive to achieving the objective

Opportunities – external factors that could be helpful in achieving the objective

Threats – external factors that could be obstructive to achieving the objective

Strategic planning is essential for the success of your organization.


Michelle Nasser, International Executive Coach , Speaker, Author “Leadership Assessment for Success”, Podcast Host “Michelle Nasser Show”
