Who Are You Being When You Market? Tips For Mindful Leadership in Your Marketing

Who Are You Being When You Market? Tips For Mindful Leadership in Your Marketing 150 150 Eric Szymanski

Marketing, like mindfulness, is a huge nebulous word that we all think we understand but few of us actually do.  That got me thinking, what happens when you combine the two. What I learned was they both strengthen one another.

The American Marketing Association defines Marketing as “the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large.”  

You may think of marketing as all of the “stuff” that happens before a buying and selling experience. Things like your website, videos, brochures, emails, coupons, flyers, trade show displays, giveaways.  


Would you do business with you?  What message does your marketing convey to your target customers?  Who are you BEING when you are Marketing?   

Mindfulness is being fully present in the moment. What is the presence you want to convey in these items?  What do you want your customers to experience when they receive your marketing message?

Before you begin a mindful marketing campaign, start with a clear vision on your desired outcome.  Be respectful and as you define your target audience. Is the purpose to educate, acquire or retain customers?  Have you considered your customers preferred method of receiving your marketing messages? What platform(s) will you use to engage with your customers?


As a Mindful Leader, set a positive intention for your marketing campaign. Think about both the desired outcome, whether financial or another key performance metric you want to attain as a direct result of the campaign.  Also, consider the feeling you want to invoke and what you hope to inspire.  

For example, you have an incredible product portfolio; however, you have not connected to your ideal customer.  Sales are down and you are feeling the pressure to produce results. As a CEO, CMO or CRO, where do you begin? Visualize your new marketing campaign.  Does it engage all of your senses? Does it align with your values? Does it speak to your mission statement?

Marketing and sales are closely integrated, and today’s marketing campaigns are often linked directly to lead generation and sales conversion.  

Would you like more information on mindful sales and marketing?   Please visit https://leadershipsolutionsintl.com. We welcome the opportunity to continue this discussion with you and your organization.