Words That Give Your Emails Life

Words That Give Your Emails Life 150 150 Patricia Iyer

Marketing emails need to quickly capture your reader’s attention. Keep your power words short and simple.

Three factors make certain words powerful.

Usually, they’re short. Consider words like “Buy,” “Now,” and “Sale.” Your audience can read them quickly.

Power words are commonly used and therefore easy to understand. Your sale may not resemble other people’s sales, but readers have an immediate understanding of the word “sale”.

Power words are specific. “Easy” promises that whatever the email is describing is simple to understand. The word offers reassurance.


Some people might think this word is overused, and they’re right. Any word loses its impact when it’s carelessly and frequently used. Don’t overlook it, though.

Sending a customer who bought a product or service from you a thank-you note evokes a positive response. People want to know that their patronage of business means something.

It’s also appropriate to thank subscribers for reading your newsletter or special report. This thanks should come towards the end of the message. However, some successful newsletter writers open each issue with a general thank you to readers for maintaining their subscription.


This is important. The reader knows that you don’t know him or her personally, but people have an almost-instinctive positive response to seeing their names. It captures their attention.

Using the words “you” or “your” has a similar effect of giving a message a personal feel. You lose your audience when you use the third person form instead. Compare these two sentences.

“People enjoy the warmth generated by this low-wattage space heater.”

You can lose your audience. “People” is impersonal. The reader might think, “Good for them. They’re not me.”

“You will enjoy the warmth generated by this low-wattage space heater.” Only two words are different, but in addition to the element of personalization, these sentences encourage the reader to imagine a warm, cozy room.


This is an important word. Many people feel challenged and even threatened by technology, which can include considering whether to buy anything that needs assembly. The word “easy” can reassure them.

I recently published a book, 52 Writing Tips: Fast and Easy Ways to Polish Your Writing. Putting “Easy” in the title was important, as I know how many people think it’s difficult to grasp grammar, punctuation, and other elements of writing.

However, I didn’t use the word “easy” lightly. The content is easy to grasp.

Truth in Advertising

This brings me to an important point. You can use all the power words recommended by experts in email marketing, but don’t use them carelessly. You’re giving your readers a promise. Make sure that you can deliver.

If you say it’s free, don’t introduce some little twist that will cost the reader money. For example, if shipping fees apply, say, “Pay only a $X.XX shipping charge.”

If an offer is only good for the next 24 hours, make sure that you don’t have it available for the following month.

Power words may draw your readers in, but to hold them, you need to fulfill your promises.

Pat Iyer is a C-Suite contributor, one of the original 100 people to join the network 3 years ago. Business professionals hire her as a ghostwriter and editor to help them shine without having to do the work of writing. Contact her at patiyer.com.