Writing is Money

Writing is Money 150 150 David Newman

Do you like to write?

Do you consider yourself a good writer?

Do you know how to write it so they read it?

More importantly – do you know how to write so people get out their wallets and PAY you money?

Writing is the secret superpower of the thought leader.

If you’re a consultant, you have to write.

If you’re a speaker, you have to write.

If you’re a coach, you have to write.

If you’re a trainer, you have to write.

If you’re an online course creator, you have to write.

If you’re a marketer, you have to write.

If you sell any product, service, program, or idea – people will buy (or buy into) what you have to say or sell based on…

You got it – something you wrote.

Think about all the places writing is money…

Think about all the places where your ability, skill, and will to write can help you get more leads, prospects, subscribers, fans, followers – and best of all – clients and customers…

Your home page copy

Your blog posts and titles

Your articles

Your LinkedIn profile

Your Facebook posts

Your LinkedIn updates

Your tweets

Your “verbal business card”

Your About page

Your speaker introduction

Your services page

Your consulting/coaching packages

Your seminar or training descriptions

Your speech titles and descriptions

Your YouTube video titles and descriptions

Your prospecting emails and subject lines

Your sales letters

Your landing pages

Your webinars and livestreams

Your pay-per-click ads

Your email newsletter

Your book (see above for all the places you can compile your book content from!)

It used to be, “you don’t sell – you don’t eat.”

Today it’s “you don’t write – you don’t eat.”

Wondering why you’re hungry?

You’re not writing enough – or your writing isn’t good enough to truly connect with your leads, prospects, clients, and subscribers.