You Didn’t Get Married for This…

You Didn’t Get Married for This… 150 150 Bob Groves



Be honest a moment…

You didn’t get married to not sleep with your wife.

You didn’t get married to not be happy.

You didn’t get married to not have an awesome marriage.

You didn’t get married to have just an average marriage either.

You didn’t get married to not be in love.

You didn’t get married to not be attracted to your wife. Or, vice versa.

You didn’t get married to be bored in your marriage.

Somewhere in your past, you had a dream/goal/vision of having a great marriage.

And, sadly, for too many men, that’s not our reality.

As a friend of mine said to me, a fires tendency is to go out.

You have to fan the flames. You have to keep the fire going.

And before you know it, the fire has slowly faded to not much more than a flame…a flicker.

How’d you get there?

Most likely it happened very subtly. Slowly.

Like a pinhole leak in a balloon.

It’s not bad enough to get all of your attention…it just fades away.

Then one day, you wake up in a place you didn’t believe existed when you were dating and first married.

No matter.

When you get there, your mind gets busy in the wrong ways.

Rather than getting back to the fire, you allow your mind to drift away.

To become more negative than positive.

And, if not careful, you drift even further.

We were there.

I stood on a beach with my wife about 13 years ago and we talked about where we had gotten to.

Only we didn’t do anything about it at the time.

Then, when all hell broke loose, we had to figure out how to not only have a great marriage BUT how to rebuild a crumbled marriage first.

And we did.

Now, after 33 years of marriage, we have the best marriage we have ever had.

We know exactly what is required to keep the flame burning bright.

We know the complexity of love and how to build it in all areas. (Yes, there’s a complexity to love that is multifaceted.)

We love our journey together and if/when the flame dwindles at all – we know what to do about it…together.

If you’re not happily married, you should be.

Chances are your wife is no happier than you are.

Time is far too short to not have an awesome marriage.

If you’re ready to take your marriage to the highest level ever and have the best marriage you’ve ever had…

Let’s talk.