Marketing Masters: ready, set, grow your market
Connie Pheiff
Marketing Masters provides creative strategies combining the old school tricks of marketing with today’s digital tactics to connect with the NOW generation. You will immediately convert consumers to customers, relationships into partnerships, and ideas into realities. The tools found in Marketing Masters can be successfully implemented by entrepreneurs, Fortune 500 CEO’s, sales teams, and even nonprofit executives.

About the Author
Connie Pheiff inspires women around the world to live a life of freedom and purpose through entrepreneurship.
As former CEO of Girl Scouts and the United Way, Connie spent over two decades working in Corporate America learning the hard lessons of life as a CEO.
After one particularly difficult year, Connie made the bold decision to leave the corporate world behind to pursue life as an entrepreneur.
Connie’s new career as an entrepreneur is rich with opportunity. It’s not always easy, but entrepreneurship has delivered the happiness, freedom and wealth that were painfully missing from her life as an executive.
Connie’s newest talk Up or Out: How to quit your job and start your life, empowers women who are ready to take control of their lives but don’t know how to make the critical decision: up or out. Connie inspires confidence and lays out a step-by-step plan for executives to leave their corporate job and successfully pursue a life of entrepreneurship.
Connie is an author of multiple books, speaker, creator, director, producer, and host of Up or Out with Connie Pheiff ~ Biz Talk… with an edge. And regularly appears on radio, TV, and across a wide variety of publications.