10 leadership skills every manager needs to succeed

10 leadership skills every manager needs to succeed 657 404 C-Suite Network
10 leadership skills every manager needs to succeed

Amanda Smuin is a journalist and digital content creator, with a background in medicine and the arts. As a Digital Content Producer at The CEO Magazine, she writes, produces and manages content for the magazine’s digital offering.

Here are ten skills every manager needs to master to become an effective leader.

1. Integrity

Walk the talk. An effective manager leads by example. A good leader not only does the right thing but is seen to be doing the right thing, i.e. he or she passes the pub test.

Dropbox CEO Drew Houston recently spoke to Inc.com about the moment he realised the importance of integrity. He showed up late to a meeting he had scheduled – to address his employees’ lateness.

A colleague pulled him up on it. And he realised, “We can write down all the pretty words about our culture and our values that we want, but people pay a thousand times more attention to what you do as a leader.”

2. Team building

Managers must pick the right people for the job regardless of gender, ethnicity and other differences. A good leader is able to build an inclusive workforce. And they don’t let personal feelings get in the way of supporting people and working with them to get the job done.

A good manager gets everyone on board, building core values and ensuring the whole team works together towards a common goal. And he or she must be able to foster relationships both within the organisation and outside it – with customers, suppliers, service providers and the general business community.

3. Positivity

If managers don’t believe in the companies they work for, why should their teams? Managers need to be organisational champions. They need to be on board with the direction of the organisation.

Effective leaders encourage and support decisions once they are made; they don’t undermine them. This is particularly important when an organisation is trying to implement change.

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4. Communication

To get the most out of their teams, managers must be able to clearly communicate their goals and expectations. A good manager ensures everyone knows what their role is, and explains the expectations for that role. And clear goals and expectations

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