10 Tips For Marketing To Gen Z On Instagram

10 Tips For Marketing To Gen Z On Instagram 960 641 C-Suite Network

Generation Z is currently the youngest generation — those born during or after 1995. They are the first generation to have been born when the personal computer, cell phone and internet were ubiquitous. In short, they are the first truly digitally immersed generation.

At present, Gen Z appears to be enamored with Instagram. According to findings published in The Drum, 88% of Gen Z regularly uses Instagram. Marketers who rely on Instagram to create brand awareness and drive meaningful business outcomes should be aware that there are a few unique characteristics common to Gen Z. This article will walk readers through how to go about marketing to Gen Z on Instagram.

1. Interview Gen Z Customers To Create A Persona

As with any demographic, marketers should first create a buying persona that helps everyone at the company to better understand the target customer. If Gen Z is indeed a target customer, then it makes sense for the marketing team to interview Gen Z customers and prospects to understand their demographic and psychographic makeup.

While there are many different methods that can be used to create a marketing persona, there are a few important things all marketers should understand. First, it can be helpful to know what Gen Z customers are interested in when they’re shopping for a product or service similar to the brand you represent. What influences their decision making? When are they typically interested in purchasing a product or service? What are their expectations of the buying process?

Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media

Second, marketers should understand how Gen Z customers like to consume information. Are members of Gen Z using Instagram to discover new products, or are they using Instagram to research products they have already discovered via other channels (or both)?

Finally, marketers should understand if the answers to the questions above vary in different segments of the Gen Z population. Are the differences geographic, demographic or to do with other factors?

2. Use Instagram Stories

According to a survey referenced in Social Media Week, 78% of respondents said they use Snapchat at least once a day. Furthermore, 88% of respondents said they use Snapchat to keep in touch with friends. But what does Snapchat have to do with Instagram?

Instagram Stories is a feature derived from the mechanics of Snapchat. That means that Gen Z Instagram users are likely using Instagram Stories, since it resembles how they use Snapchat. For brands interested in connecting with Gen Z customers or prospects, using Instagram Stories can be a great way to connect.

3. Experiment With Instagram Video

A report from Defy Media suggests that 50% of Gen Z respondents could not live without YouTube. These findings make contextual sense given the rise of…

Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media