3 crucial ASO techniques to stand out (VB Live)

3 crucial ASO techniques to stand out (VB Live) 930 577 C-Suite Network

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To boost organic downloads by at least 20 percent — and we’ve seen triple that rate — you need your ASO game. For highlights of the latest VB Insight mega-report on ASO, key best practices, and can’t-miss insights, register now for this interactive VB Live event!

ASO, short for app store optimization, and the best thing ever for long-term value, means making sure your mobile app ranks as high as possible in app store search results. That’s a great outcome in any scenario, but in today’s app store environment, it’s literally do-or-dead app. Why?

“Oh, man, because there’s close to a billion apps just in iTunes alone?” says Trey Stout, CTO and Co-founder of ScribbleChat and Handwriting.io, and a self-taught nerd from back in the day when the Apple II was cutting edge.

Supply and demand in the app store

So Stout has seen some things, from the dawn of app proliferation until nowadays, when the prospects for a new app can be grim. Less than fifty percent of smartphone users actually installed apps in the last year, Stout says.

There’s not only a massive oversupply problem, but demand for new and exciting specialized apps is actually shrinking as the big platforms start to load up on features and take back ground they’ve lost. Within Facebook Messenger alone, you can take pictures and pretty them up, schedule events with your friends, buy concert tickets, find movie showtimes, and so on and so on.

“A lot of things that used to be single-purpose apps have just sort of been consumed by these ever-expanding social platforms,” Stout explains, “So the demand has shifted away, I think, from just cruising the store looking for cool stuff, to where it’s basically just noise. And so I think because you’ve got this oversupply and a shrinking advantage, it becomes more important than ever to stand out in the crowd.”

Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media

Leave the gimmicks behind

That means you need a solid ASO strategy that doesn’t rely on tricks and schemes like keyword stuffing, but instead is fueled by an solid understanding of the context apps are being sold in, and what customers are actually interested in and need.

Apple especially is coming down hard on the gimmicky ASO techniques. For instance, shrinking the title character limit all the way down to 30 words, as well as explicitly banning terms or descriptions that are not actually the name of the app,…

Executive Briefings: Intersection of Leadership and Social Media