4 Myths About Solar Energy Every Business Owner Should Know

4 Myths About Solar Energy Every Business Owner Should Know 1024 520 C-Suite Network

by Virginie Glaenzer

Developments in the green energy sector have begun to significantly increase the presence of renewable energy in our everyday lives. Today, nearly 17% of the energy used in New York comes from renewable resources, making New York the fifth-largest user of renewable electric power in America.[1]

As renewable options become more and more viable, the option to generate or purchase renewable energy becomes increasingly attractive. One of the easiest ways for businesses to do this is with solar power.

But there are many misconceptions that come with solar power. Let’s take a look at four of these common myths.

  • Myth #1: Solar panels are too expensive.

Truth: There are many zero-cost leasing options. Many solar providers, such as our partner, Dynamic Energy, will install a solar system on a roof for no money down. And while a solar panel system costs between $15,000 and $40,000, businesses can apply for rebates, tax credits, and other incentives to drastically reduce costs. Furthermore, solar panels provide very strong financial returns, especially when purchased outright.

  • Myth #2: You need constant sunshine for solar to work.

Truth: Solar irradiation levels (the levels of solar radiation energy received on a given surface area during a given time) vary across the United States, but every state receives enough sunlight to make solar a good investment. Solar panels continue to produce a significant amount of energy on overcast days. In fact, Germany has more solar irradiation than any other country in the world (and six times the installed capacity of the U.S.), yet their solar resource is roughly equivalent to that of Alaska.[2] Solar energy production can work in almost any climate, as long as the panels are properly installed in un-shaded locations at the proper tilt and orientation.

  • Myth #3: Solar panels can only be installed on new roofs.

Truth: New roofs are not a requirement for installing solar panels. In addition, many solar providers will remove and re-install the panels if a roof repair is needed.

  • Myth #4: Switching to solar will be complicated and time consuming.

Truth: Switching to solar does not need to be complicated. A professional solar company will handle the installation from start to finish, and file all the associated paper work. Plus, most projects only take between 3 to 6 months.

If you are interested in learning more about purchasing renewable energy, watch this video to better understand renewal energy certificate. If you have questions about purchasing solar energy, schedule a discussion with a solar expert today.

[1] http://www.dec.ny.gov/energy/83070.html

[2] http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonkblog/wp/2013/02/08/germany-has-five-times-as-much-solar-power-as-the-u-s-despite-alaska-levels-of-sun/

Virginie Glaenzer With over 20 years of experience in the U.S. and international markets, much of it in management, sales, and marketing for many high tech companies, Virginie is a seasoned business expert in SaaS and new technologies, founding two software start-ups and establishing authority as an entrepreneur, social media, mobile, and digital marketing maven. Virginie holds a master degree from HEC, one of France’s top 3 business schools, as well as a Major in Management, and a Minor in Business Administration. Connect with her on LinkedIn and on Twitter @VirginieG. For more information about Great Eastern Energy, please visit www.greateasternenergy.com.