4 Ways To Improve Storytelling When Building Your Brand

4 Ways To Improve Storytelling When Building Your Brand 960 640 C-Suite Network

Storytelling is one of the most powerful ways to appeal to audiences.

It is a method used to not only share the story of who you are, what you do, and what you want to accomplish with the public, but also a way to form a personal relationship with your audience, and create an engaging and approachable platform for you and your brand.

business storytelling

I recently noticed a Facebook video created by Catherine Howell. Catherine achieved over 10,000 views on a Facebook video in which she executed this simple storytelling technique—be candid and sincere. This allows your audience and clients to feel personally connected to who you are, encouraging trust and the desire to work with you in the future.

Catherine Howell is the Founder and CEO of Eight Loop Social, and the Facebook Ads Academy. I reached out and asked her to share some insights on how to improve digital storytelling.

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From her experience, Catherine recommends 4 things whilst storytelling to enhance your brand.

1) Know Who Your Audience is and What You Want to Achieve

Before creating content, the first step is to get a solid grasp of WHO your audience is. Once you have this, you can begin to break your audience down into the various personas that make it up.

Unfortunately, most brands don’t even go down this far into their audience mapping and—as a consequence—content is too generalized and broad. Therefore, it can be difficult to create relatable content.

Catherine explains, “Once you have your personas, what you would normally do is to map out pillars of communication that are required to help the brand achieve whatever outcome is required—awareness, consideration, purchase, and loyalty. If the aim is to build awareness and consideration for a new product – the pillars may include things like sharing reviews—consideration, introducing solutions to problems—awareness, and sharing experiences provided by the product’s community—social proof/consideration”.

2) Be Specific.

By underpinning videos with specific micro-moments and experiences, brands can cut through…

Difficult Doesn’t Have to Be So Difficult: How to Turn Challenging Conversations into Trusting Relationships at Work