6 Ways E-Commerce SMBs Can Offer Great Customer Service on a Tight Budget

6 Ways E-Commerce SMBs Can Offer Great Customer Service on a Tight Budget 620 340 C-Suite Network

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Keeping customers satisfied is the No. 1 priority of any retail business. Technological advances such as interactive voice response systems, chatbots, omnichannel accessibility and robotics have helped many large e-commerce companies improve customer satisfaction rates.

However, these options require financial and manpower resources that small and mid-sized firms often don’t have, so SMBs have to look at other options.

Here are some budget-friendly solutions e-commerce SMBs can employ.

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  1. Prioritize Excellent Customer Service

    Make customer service a distinctive trademark and selling point for your business, suggested Robert C. Johnson, CEO of TeamSupport.

    “Getting the right answer and personalizing your response is more important than always rushing to clear out the ticket queue,” he told the E-Commerce Times. “It’s impossible to beat large players on price, but “customers are wiling to spend more with a company that offers superior customer service.”

    So, when hiring customer service reps, “try to get people who are a B+ in multiple areas — from phone to email to chat and more — instead of employees who specialize in only one thing,” Johnson said.

    2. Keep the Customer Informed

    Communicate throughout the customer journey, advised Tara Kelly, CEO of Splice Software.

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