7 Ways to Solve a Conflict With Your Team

7 Ways to Solve a Conflict With Your Team 550 366 C-Suite Network

by Sally Hogshead


You’ve probably experienced that tense moment when conflict arises… when furious glances dart across the conference table, or screaming matches erupt in the hallway. (Awkward!) Yet, conflict can be a healthy part of team communication.

Conflict can spark creativity. It can provoke discussion, for better results. So how do you tend to communicate during a conflict?

Here are 7 ways to positively deal with conflict:

  1. Power: Think through points before taking a strong stand.
  2. Passion: Be considerate — care for feelings and emotions involved.
  3. Mystique: Ask questions to understand underlying issues.
  4. Prestige: Verbally recognize the ways in which others make contributions.
  5. Alarm: Organize in advance to prevent unproductive conflicts.
  6. Rebellion: Think outside the box to offer a completely new solution.
  7. Trust: Nurture relationships so the focus is on the TEAM, rather than the individual.

Which Triggers does your team use to communicate? Find out here.

Diversity is good — especially when it comes to Triggers!

Which Trigger do you naturally use to resolve conflict? Let me know how you’ve used conflict to spark creativity or avoid bloody boardroom battles. Teams with a diverse range of Triggers have a balance of communication styles, which can lower conflict.
How do you communicate in a way that contributes, rather than contaminates?

See you down in the comments section!

*This post originally appeared on HowToFascinate.com.

sallySally Hogshead is a Speakers Hall of Fame member, international author and the world’s leading expert on fascination. Over the past decade, her team has uncovered surprising trends about why certain people and companies succeed. Today, she teaches how to communicate and captivate in a world with a 9-second attention span.  Follow Sally on Twitter @SallyHogshead.